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ref Template  Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011

Id 2.16.756.
Effective Date 2018‑04‑18
Status active Active Version Label 2017
Name cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011 Display Name Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011
Person name information (with required family and given name) according to the eCH-0011 V8.1 nameData data type. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
See, section 3.3.2 nameData – Namensangaben for more information.
Context Pathname
Label eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
Classification Template type not specified
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 41 templates, Uses 0 templates
Used by as Name Version
2.16.756. Containment active Patient - recordTarget (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active CDA-CH v2.0 Header Template Compilation (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link pending Header Template Compilation Medication Dispense document (2017) 2018‑01‑08 15:56:47
2.16.756. link pending Medication Dispense document (2017) 2016‑05‑21
2.16.756. link pending Header Template Compilation Medication Card document (2017) 2018‑01‑08 16:20:12
2.16.756. link pending Medication Card document (2017) 2016‑05‑13
2.16.756. link pending Header Template Compilation Pharmaceutical Advice document (2017) 2018‑01‑08 16:23:16
2.16.756. link pending Pharmaceutical Advice document (2017) 2016‑05‑21
2.16.756. link pending Header Template Compilation MedicationTreatmentPlan (2017) 2018‑01‑08 16:26:11
2.16.756. link pending Medication Treatment Plan document (2017) 2017‑04‑12 13:57:31
2.16.756. link pending Header Template Compilation Medication Prescription document (2017) 2018‑01‑08 16:28:39
2.16.756. link pending Medication Prescription document (2017) 2016‑05‑21
2.16.756. link pending Header Template Compilation Medication List document (2017) 2018‑01‑22 15:29:29
2.16.756. link pending Medication List document (2017) 2018‑01‑22 15:17:26
2.16.756. Containment active Insurance Card - participant (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment active Insurance - participant (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment active Recipient - informationRecipient (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment active Employer - participant (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment active Patient Contact - participant (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment active Assigned Entity Compilation with id (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active Legal Authenticator (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active Authenticator (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active Data Enterer (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment active Author Compilation with name, addr and telecom (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link pending Annotation Comments (2016) 2016‑11‑11
2.16.756. link pending Remarks Section - coded (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link pending Medication Treatment Plan Item Entry Content Module (2017) 2016‑06‑13
2.16.756. link pending Medication Treatment Plan Section Content Module (2017) 2017‑05‑01 12:51:36
2.16.756. link pending Medication List Section Content Module (2017) 2018‑01‑22 15:40:38
2.16.756. link pending Medication Card Section Content Module (2017) 2016‑05‑21
2.16.756. link pending Dispense Item Entry Content Module (2017) 2016‑06‑17
2.16.756. link pending Dispense Section Content Module (2017) 2016‑06‑06
2.16.756. link pending Prescription Item Entry Content Module (2017) 2016‑06‑25
2.16.756. link pending Prescription Section Content Module (2017) 2016‑06‑06
2.16.756. link pending Pharmaceutical Advice Item Entry Content Module (2017) 2016‑06‑25
2.16.756. link pending Pharmaceutical Advice Section Content Module (2017) 2016‑06‑06
2.16.756. Containment active Author (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment active Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active Performer (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active Health Service - documentationOf (2017) 2018‑04‑18
Minimal name
  <family>Muster</family>  <given>Hildegard</given></name>
Maiden name
<!-- @use attribute is optional, here -->
<name use="L">
  <family>Muster</family>  <given>Hildegard</given>  <!-- @qualifier attribute indicates the maiden name -->
  <family qualifier="BR">Hugentobler</family></name>
Call name
<!-- @use attribute is optional, here -->
<name use="L">
  <family>Muster</family>  <given>Hildegard</given>  <!-- @qualifier attribute indicates the call name -->
  <given qualifier="CL">Hildi</given></name>
<!-- @use attribute is optional for the legal name -->
<name use="L">
  <family>Muster</family>  <given>Hildegard</given></name>
<!-- @use attribute indicates that this name is a pseudonym (Artist, VIP, etc.) -->
<name use="P">
  <family>Lady</family>  <given>Vip</given></name>
Other official Name
<!-- @use attribute is optional for the legal name -->
<name use="L">
  <family>Muster</family>  <given>Hildegard</given></name>
<!-- @use attribute indicates that this is another assigned name -->
<name use="ASGN">
  <family>Sans-Papier</family>  <given>Helen</given></name>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
PN 1 … 1 R The person's legal name (with required family and given name). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 0 … 1 F L
  Legal. This is the default. Thus, name elements without @use are legal names.
ENXP 0 … * The person's academic title (such as Dr. med. or Prof.). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 1 … 1 F AC
ENXP 1 … * R The person's family name ([ge]: Nachname; [fr]: nom de famille). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 0 NP NP/not present
ENXP 0 … * The person's maiden name ([ge]: Ledigname; [fr]: nom de célibataire). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 1 … 1 F BR
  Birth name.
ENXP 1 … * R The person's given name ([ge]: Vorname; [fr]: prénom). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 0 NP NP/not present
ENXP 0 … * The person's call name ([ge]: Rufname; [fr]: nom usuel). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 1 … 1 F CL
PN 0 … * The person's alias name. eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 1 … 1 F P
ENXP 0 … * The person's title. eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 1 … 1 F TITLE
ENXP 0 … * The person's pseudonym family name ([ge]: Nachname; [fr]: nom de famille). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 0 NP NP/not present
ENXP 0 … * The person's pseudonym given name ([ge]: Vorname; [fr]: prénom). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 0 NP NP/not present
PN 0 … * Other person's name. eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 1 … 1 F ASGN
ENXP 0 … * The person's title. eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 1 … 1 F TITLE
ENXP 0 … * Other official person's family name ([ge]: Nachname; [fr]: nom de famille). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 0 NP NP/not present
ENXP 0 … * Other official given name ([ge]: Vorname; [fr]: prénom). eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData
set_cs 0 NP NP/not present