DECOR Information for Project: CH-EPR (ch-epr-)

Project Information


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The content of this publication has been carefully prepared and reviewed. However, eHealth Suisse does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided, or that it is up-to-date. Liability claims against eHealth Suisse in respect of material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information offered or by inaccurate or incomplete information are in principle ruled out provided that there is no provable culpable intent or gross negligence on the institute’s part.
List of Authors
  • Administrator
  • Juerg Bleuer
  • Johannes Gnaegi
  • Dr. Kai Heitmann

Version Info

Date By Description
2017‑05‑15 14:13:15 Johannes Gnaegi Official Release: 20170515-Beta
There have been changes to the following 3 issues since the last intermediate version or release.
  • Issue 1 "Falscher Code für "Undifferentiated"" with status "Open". See the issue for all details. Last event (2017-05-15T14:07:11):

    - Der Code "O" in der Verordnung zum EPDG enthält einen falschen internationalen Code für "Undifferentiated", richtig wäre der hier verwendete Code "UN".


    - Korrektur in Verordnungen - wurde aufgenommen.

    Further explanation:


  • Issue 2 "Falscher code für "Pulmonary Report"" with status "Open". See the issue for all details. Last event (2017-05-15T14:09:22):

    - Code 721969008 für Pulmonary Report ist falsch


    - Korrektur Code auf 720449003

    Further explanation:


  • Issue 3 "Falsche OID Valueset" with status "Open". See the issue for all details. Last event (2017-05-15T14:11:20):

    - OID 2.16.756. in Verordnungen für AuthroRole falsch


    - Korrektur auf die hier genutzte OID 2.16.756.

    Further explanation:


Data sets, codes, OIDs and Rules: this information is used for rendering and validation purposes.