Id |
Display Name |
Name |
Effective date |
Type |
IHE Community Prescription Content Module |
IHECommunityPrescriptionContentModule |
IHE Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Advice Document Content Module |
IHEPharmacyPharmaceuticalAdviceDocumentContentModule |
IHE Pharmacy Dispense Document Content Module |
IHEPharmacyDispenseDocumentContentModule |
IHE Pharmacy Medication List |
IHEPharmacyMedicationList |
IHE Medication Treatment Plan Document Content Module |
IHEMedicationTreatmentPlanDocumentContentModule |
IHE Renewal Period Content Module |
IHERenewalPeriodContentModule |
CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody |
CDA-CHv2.0-structuredBody |
Patient - recordTarget |
cdach_header_Patient |
Document Replacement - relatedDocument |
Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf |
Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody |
Document Confidentiality Code |
Document Set Id and Version Number |
cdach_header_DocumentSetIdAndVersionNumber |
Document Language |
Document Id |
Document Realm |
Custodian |
CDAcustodian |
Recipient - informationRecipient |
cdach_header_InformationRecipient |
Patient Contact - participant |
cdach_header_PatientContact |
Health Service - documentationOf |
cdach_header_HealthService |
Legal Authenticator |
CDAlegalAuthenticator |
Authenticator |
cdach_header_Authenticator |
Data Enterer |
cdach_header_DataEnterer |
Prescription Section Content Module |
PrescriptionSectionContentModule |
Dispense Section Content Module |
DispenseSectionContentModule |
Pharmaceutical Advice Section Content Module |
PharmaceuticalAdviceSectionContentModule |
Medication Treatment Plan Section Content Module |
MedicationTreatmenPlanSectionContentModule |
Remarks Section - coded |
CDA-CH-RemarksSection |
Medication List Section Content Module |
MedicationListWithRelatedDocumentsSectionContentModule |
Medication Card Section Content Module |
eCurrentMedicationSectionContentModule |
Annotation Comments |
chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments |
Medication Treatment Plan Item Entry Content Module |
MedicationTreatmentPlanEntryContentModule |
Dosage Intake Mode Entry Content Module |
DosageIntakeModeEntryContentModule |
Prescribed Quantity Entry Content Module |
PrescribedQuantityEntryContentModule |
Substitution Permission Entry Content Module |
SubstitutionPermissionEntryContentModule |
Treatment Reason Entry Content Module |
TreatmentReasonEntryContentModule |
Dispense Item Entry Content Module |
DispenseItemEntryContentModule |
Prescription Item Entry Content Module |
PrescriptionItemEntryContentModule |
Pharmaceutical Advice Item Entry Content Module |
PharmaceuticalAdviceItemEntryContentModule |
MTP Reference Entry Content Module |
MTPReferenceEntryContentModule |
DIS Reference Entry Content Module |
DISReferenceEntryContentModule |
PRE Reference Entry Content Module |
PREReferenceEntryContentModule |
Dosage Instructions Non Structured Entry Content Module |
DosageInstructionsNonStructuredEntryContentModule |
PADV Reference Entry Content Module |
PADVReferenceEntryContentModule |
Pharmaceutical Advice Concern Entry Content Module |
PharmaceuticalAdviceConcernEntryContentModule |
Author |
cdach_other_Author |
CDA componentOf |
CDAcomponentOf |
CDA Authorization |
CDAauthorization |
| |
IHE Coded Vital Signs Section |
IHECodedVitalSignsSection |
2015‑10‑05 15:57:07 |
| |
IHE Pregnancy History Section |
IHEPregnancyHistorySection |
2017‑03‑20 13:38:42 |
| |
IHE Active Problems Section |
IHEActiveProblemsSection |
2015‑10‑05 16:02:07 |
| |
IHE History of Past Illness Section |
IHEHistoryOfPastIllnessSection |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Allergies and Other Adverse Reactions Section |
IHEAllergiesAndOtherAdverseReactionsSection |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Immunizations Section |
IHEImmunizationsSection |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Severity Entry |
IHESeverityEntry |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Problem Status Observation |
IHEProblemStatusObservation |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Health Status Observation |
IHEHealthStatusObservation |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Comment Entry |
IHECommentEntry |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Patient Medication Instructions |
IHEPatientMedicationInstructions |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Medication FulFillment Instructions |
IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Internal Reference Entry |
IHEInternalReferenceEntry |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Problem Entry |
IHEProblemEntry |
2016‑09‑26 09:50:55 |
| |
IHE Problem Concern Entry |
IHEProblemConcernEntry |
2016‑09‑26 08:50:28 |
| |
IHE Allergy and Intolerance Concern Entry |
IHEAllergyAndIntoleranceConcernEntry |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Allergies And Intolerances Entry |
IHEAllergyAndIntoleranceEntry |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Product Entry |
IHEProductEntry |
2016‑01‑08 12:51:58 |
| |
IHE Supply Entry |
IHESupplyEntry |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Immunizations Entry |
IHEImmunizationsEntry |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Antigen Dose entry |
IHEAntigenDoseEntry |
2016‑09‑28 13:50:21 |
| |
IHE Vital Signs Organizer |
IHEVitalSignsOrganizer |
2013‑12‑20 |
| |
IHE Vital Signs Observation |
IHEVitalSignsObservation |
2016‑09‑29 09:22:49 |
| |
IHE Pregnancy Observation |
IHEPregnancyObservation |
2016‑10‑21 14:59:35 |
| |
IHE Pregnancy History Organizer |
IHEPregnancyHistoryOrganizer |
2017‑03‑15 14:13:23 |
| |
IHE Birth Event Organizer |
IHEBirthEventOrganizer |
2017‑03‑15 13:46:49 |
| |
IHE Subject Participation |
IHESubjectParticipation |
2017‑03‑15 09:59:00 |
| |
IHE Community Prescription Content Module |
IHECommunityPrescriptionContentModule |
2018‑01‑17 16:46:48 |
| |
IHE Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Advice Document Content Module |
IHEPharmacyPharmaceuticalAdviceDocumentContentModule |
2018‑01‑17 17:57:48 |
| |
IHE Pharmacy Dispense Document Content Module |
IHEPharmacyDispenseDocumentContentModule |
2018‑01‑17 17:47:52 |
| |
IHE Pharmacy Medication List |
IHEPharmacyMedicationList |
2018‑01‑17 18:06:02 |
| |
IHE Medication Treatment Plan Document Content Module |
IHEMedicationTreatmentPlanDocumentContentModule |
2018‑01‑17 17:33:23 |
| |
IHE Prescription Section Content Module |
IHEPrescriptionSectionContentModule |
2018‑01‑10 11:13:04 |
| |
IHE Pharmaceutical Advice Section Content Moudule |
IHEPharmaceuticalAdviceSectionContentModule |
2018‑01‑10 11:13:04 |
| |
IHE Dispense Section Content Module |
IHEDispenseSectionContentModule |
2018‑01‑10 11:13:04 |
| |
IHE Medication List Section Content Module |
IHEMedicationListSectionContentModule |
2018‑01‑10 08:39:19 |
| |
IHE Medication Treatment Plan Section Content Module |
IHEMedicationTreatmentPlanSectionContentModule |
2017‑04‑03 07:47:01 |
| |
IHE MedicineEntryContentModule |
IHEMedicineEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑08 |
| |
IHE Prescription Item Entry Content Module |
IHEPrescriptionItemEntryContentModule |
2018‑01‑11 13:04:49 |
| |
IHE Pharmaceutical Advice Item Entry Content Module |
IHEPharmaceuticalAdviceItemEntryContentModule |
2018‑01‑11 11:13:04 |
| |
IHE Dispense Item Entry Content Module |
IHEDispenseItemEntryContentModule |
2018‑01‑11 11:13:04 |
| |
IHE Medication Treatment Plan Item Entry Content Module |
IHEMedicationTreatmentPlanItemEntryContentModule |
2017‑03‑31 14:43:01 |
| |
IHE Substitution Permission Content Module |
IHESubstitutionPermissionContentModule |
2018‑01‑10 15:34:25 |
| |
IHE Substitution Act Content Module |
IHESubstitutionActContentModule |
2018‑01‑10 15:34:25 |
| |
IHE MTP Reference Entry Content Module |
IHEMTPReferenceEntryContentModule |
2016‑07‑07 |
| |
IHE PRE Reference Entry Content Module |
IHEPREReferenceEntryContentModule |
2017‑01‑11 11:10:04 |
| |
IHE DIS Reference Entry Content Module |
IHEDISReferenceEntryContentModule |
2017‑01‑11 12:32:40 |
| |
IHE PADV Reference Entry Content Module |
IHEPADVReferenceEntryContentModule |
2017‑10‑11 12:06:00 |
| |
IHE Renewal Period Content Module |
IHERenewalPeriodContentModule |
2018‑01‑11 15:34:25 |
2.16.756. |
Medication Card document |
MedicationCardDocument |
2016‑05‑13 |
2.16.756. |
Medication Prescription document |
MedicationPrescriptionDocument |
2016‑05‑21 |
2.16.756. |
Medication Dispense document |
MedicationDispenseDocument |
2016‑05‑21 |
2.16.756. |
Pharmaceutical Advice document |
PharmaceuticalAdviceDocument |
2016‑05‑21 |
2.16.756. |
Medication Treatment Plan document |
MedicationTreatmentPlanDocument |
2017‑04‑12 13:57:31 |
2.16.756. |
CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody |
CDA-CHv2.0-structuredBody |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Medication List document |
MedicationListDocument |
2018‑01‑22 15:17:26 |
2.16.756. |
Patient - recordTarget |
cdach_header_Patient |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Custodian |
cdach_header_Custodian |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Recipient - informationRecipient |
cdach_header_InformationRecipient |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Legal Authenticator |
cdach_header_LegalAuthenticator |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Authenticator |
cdach_header_Authenticator |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Data Enterer |
cdach_header_DataEnterer |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Replacement - relatedDocument |
cdach_header_DocumentReplacement |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Insurance Card - participant |
cdach_header_InsuranceCard |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Insurance - participant |
cdach_header_Insurance |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf |
cdach_header_OrderReference |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody |
cdach_header_DocumentTemplateIdsCdaChv2.0-structuredBody |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Confidentiality Code |
cdach_header_DocumentConfidentialityCode |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Set Id and Version Number |
cdach_header_DocumentSetIdAndVersionNumber |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Language |
cdach_header_DocumentLanguage |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Id |
cdach_header_DocumentId |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Realm |
cdach_header_DocumentRealm |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Employer - participant |
cdach_header_Employer |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Patient Contact - participant |
cdach_header_PatientContact |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Code |
cdach_header_DocumentCode |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Health Service - documentationOf |
cdach_header_HealthService |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Document Code Medication List |
DocumentCodeMedicationList |
2018‑01‑08 15:01:14 |
2.16.756. |
Document Code Medication Dispense |
DocumentCodeMedicationDispense |
2018‑01‑08 15:01:14 |
2.16.756. |
Document Code Medication Prescription |
DocumentCodeMedicationPrescription |
2018‑01‑08 15:34:02 |
2.16.756. |
Document Code Pharmaceutical Advice document |
DocumentCodePharmaceuticalAdviceDocument |
2018‑01‑08 15:40:41 |
2.16.756. |
Document Code Medication Treatment Plan |
DocumentCodeMedicationTreatmentPlan |
2018‑01‑08 15:45:25 |
2.16.756. |
Document Code Medication Card |
DocumentCodeMedicationCard |
2018‑01‑08 15:01:14 |
2.16.756. |
Remarks Section - coded |
cdach_section_RemarksCoded |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Medication Card Section Content Module |
MedicationCardSectionContentModule |
2016‑05‑21 |
2.16.756. |
Prescription Section Content Module |
PrescriptionSectionContentModule |
2016‑06‑06 |
2.16.756. |
Dispense Section Content Module |
DispenseSectionContentModule |
2016‑06‑06 |
2.16.756. |
Pharmaceutical Advice Section Content Module |
PharmaceuticalAdviceSectionContentModule |
2016‑06‑06 |
2.16.756. |
Medication Treatment Plan Section Content Module |
MedicationTreatmenPlanSectionContentModule |
2017‑05‑01 12:51:36 |
2.16.756. |
Medication List Section Content Module |
MedicationListSectionContentModule |
2018‑01‑22 15:40:38 |
2.16.756. |
Annotation Comments |
chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments |
2016‑11‑11 |
2.16.756. |
Manufactured Material Entry Content Module |
ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑13 |
2.16.756. |
Medication Treatment Plan Item Entry Content Module |
MedicationTreatmentPlanEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑13 |
2.16.756. |
Dosage Instructions Start/Stop, Frequency, Dose |
DosageInstructionsStartStopFrequency |
2016‑06‑13 |
2.16.756. |
Dosage Instructions Dosage Change |
DosageInstructionsEntryDosageChange |
2017‑01‑23 16:30:55 |
2.16.756. |
Dosage Intake Mode Entry Content Module |
DosageIntakeModeEntryContentModule |
2016‑09‑13 16:06:07 |
2.16.756. |
Prescribed Quantity Entry Content Module |
PrescribedQuantityEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑13 |
2.16.756. |
Substitution Permission Entry Content Module |
SubstitutionPermissionEntryContentModule |
2016‑09‑13 17:06:35 |
2.16.756. |
Treatment Reason Entry Content Module |
TreatmentReasonEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑13 |
2.16.756. |
Dispense Item Entry Content Module |
DispenseItemEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑17 |
2.16.756. |
Prescription Item Entry Content Module |
PrescriptionItemEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑25 |
2.16.756. |
Pharmaceutical Advice Item Entry Content Module |
PharmaceuticalAdviceItemEntryContentModule |
2016‑06‑25 |
2.16.756. |
MTP Reference Entry Content Module |
MTPReferenceEntryContentModule |
2017‑01‑10 15:34:25 |
2.16.756. |
DIS Reference Entry Content Module |
DISReferenceEntryContentModule |
2018‑01‑11 20:38:46 |
2.16.756. |
PRE Reference Entry Content Module |
PREReferenceEntryContentModule |
2018‑01‑11 18:31:33 |
2.16.756. |
Dosage Instructions Non Structured Entry Content Module |
DosageInstructionsNonStructuredEntryContentModule |
2016‑09‑13 15:33:18 |
2.16.756. |
PADV Reference Entry Content Module |
PADVReferenceEntryContentModule |
2018‑01‑11 21:10:57 |
2.16.756. |
Pharmaceutical Advice Concern Entry Content Module |
PharmaceuticalAdviceConcernEntryContentModule |
2016‑01‑11 11:13:04 |
2.16.756. |
Assigned Entity Compilation with id |
cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Narrative Text Reference |
cdach_other_TextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Author Compilation with name, addr and telecom |
cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Device Compilation with name |
cdach_other_DeviceCompilationWithName |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Author |
cdach_other_Author |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Organization Compilation with name |
cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Organization Compilation with GLN, name, addr and telecom |
cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom |
cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Organization Compilation with GLN and name |
cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnName |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Performer |
cdach_other_Performer |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization |
cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Organization Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom |
cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 |
cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011 |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 |
cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010 |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
CDA-CH v2.0 Header Template Compilation |
cdach_other_HeaderTemplateCompilation |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.756. |
Header Template Compilation Medication Dispense document |
HeaderTemplateCompilationMedicationDispenseDocument |
2018‑01‑08 15:56:47 |
2.16.756. |
Header Template Compilation Medication Card document |
HeaderTemplateCompilationMedicationCardDocument |
2018‑01‑08 16:20:12 |
2.16.756. |
Header Template Compilation Pharmaceutical Advice document |
HeaderTemplateCompilationPharmaceuticalAdviceDocument |
2018‑01‑08 16:23:16 |
2.16.756. |
Header Template Compilation MedicationTreatmentPlan |
HeaderTemplateCompilationMedicationTreatmentPlan |
2018‑01‑08 16:26:11 |
2.16.756. |
Header Template Compilation Medication Prescription document |
HeaderTemplateCompilationMedicationPrescriptionDocument |
2018‑01‑08 16:28:39 |
2.16.756. |
Header Template Compilation Medication List document |
HeaderTemplateCompilationMedicationListDocument |
2018‑01‑22 15:29:29 |
2.16.756. |
Original Text Reference |
cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText |
2018‑04‑18 |
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.4.10.1 |
CCD Person |
CCDPerson |
2007‑04‑01 |
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.4.10.2 |
CCD Organization |
CCDOrganization |
2007‑04‑01 |
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.4.10.3 |
CCD Subject (Body) |
CCDSubjectBody |
2007‑04‑01 |
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.4.10.15 |
CCD Performer (Body) |
CCDPerformerBody |
2007‑04‑01 |
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.4.10.16 |
CCD AssignedEntity |
CCDAssignedEntity |
2007‑04‑01 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.102 |
CDA author |
CDAauthor |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.113 |
CDA componentOf |
CDAcomponentOf |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.114 |
CDA Authorization |
CDAauthorization |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.151 |
CDA Organization |
CDAOrganization |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.152 |
CDA Person |
CDAPerson |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.153 |
CDA AssignedEntity |
CDAAssignedEntity |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.154 |
CDA Informant |
CDAinformant |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.315 |
CDA Device |
CDADevice |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.316 |
CDA RelatedEntity |
CDARelatedEntity |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.317 |
CDA Place |
CDAPlace |
2005‑09‑07 |
2.16.840.1.113883. |
Comment |
Comment |
2007‑04‑01 |
2.16.840.1.113883. |
Medication series number observation |
MedicationSeriesNumberObservation |
2007‑04‑01 |