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active Template  Annotation Comments

Id 2.16.756.
Effective Date 2016‑11‑12
Status active Active Version Label 2016
Name chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments Display Name Annotation Comments
Description This entry allows for a comment to be supplied with each entry.
Context Parent nodes of template element with id 2.16.756.
Label IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
Classification CDA Entry Level Template
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 5 transactions and 7 templates, Uses 2 templates
Used by as Name Version
cdachemed-transaction-4 Transaction draft Medication Prescription document 2018‑04‑04 15:33:29
cdachemed-transaction-9 Transaction draft Medication Treatment Plan document 2019‑12‑12 14:11:31
cdachemed-transaction-5 Transaction draft Medication Dispense document 2018‑04‑04 15:35:51
cdachemed-transaction-6 Transaction draft Pharmaceutical Advice document 2018‑04‑04 15:36:35
cdachemed-transaction-8 Transaction final Medication Card document (2022) 2018‑04‑04 15:42:50
2.16.756. Containment active Remarks Section - coded (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link active Medication Card document (2022) 2016‑05‑13
2.16.756. link draft Medication Prescription document (2020) 2016‑05‑21
2.16.756. link draft Medication Dispense document (2020) 2016‑05‑21
2.16.756. link draft Pharmaceutical Advice document (2020) 2016‑05‑21
2.16.756. link draft Medication Treatment Plan document (2020) 2017‑04‑12 13:57:31
2.16.756. link active CDA-CH v2.1 - structuredBody (2020) 2019‑10‑17 15:22:41
Uses as Name Version
2.16.756. Include draft Narrative Text Reference (2021) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment active Author Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom (2020) DYNAMIC
Relationship Specialization: template Comment (2013‑12‑20)

Specialization: template 2.16.840.1.113883. Befundtext (Anmerkungen und Kommentare)-deprecated (DYNAMIC)
<act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN">
  <templateId root="2.16.756."/>  <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>  <templateId root=""/>  <code code="48767-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Annotation comment"/>  <text>
    <reference value="#narrtextref"/>  </text>
  <statusCode code="completed"/></act>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
R A comment to the parent entry. IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
cs 1 … 1 F ACT
cs 1 … 1 F EVN
II 1 … 1 M IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.
II 1 … 1 M IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
uid 1 … 1 F
II 0 … 1 An ID for this item MAY be filled for traceability. IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
uid 1 … 1 R MUST contain the OID of the system that issued the ID. OIDs of code systems, which are published in the public OID registry for the Swiss health care system ( are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st 0 … 1   Contains the ID itself. The ID MUST be unique within the system that issued the ID.
CD 1 … 1 M IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
cs 1 … 1 F 48767-8
oid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1
st 1 … 1 F LOINC
st 1 … 1 F Annotation comment
Included 1 … 1 R from 2.16.756. Narrative Text Reference (DYNAMIC)
The reference to the text in the narrative section of the section MUST be specified.
ED 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
TEL 1 … 1 M The reference to the corresponding text in the human readable part must be specified by reference to content[@ID]: reference[@value='#xxx'] CDA‑CH V2
1 … 1 R Reference to the narrative part of the section in the format '#xxx', where xxx is the ID of the corresponding element.
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test starts-with(@value,'#')  
  Message The @value attribute content MUST conform to the format '#xxx', where xxx is the ID of the corresponding 'content' element.  
  Variable let Name idvalue  
  Value substring-after(@value,'#')  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test ancestor::hl7:structuredBody//*[@ID=$idvalue]  
  Message No narrative text found for this reference (no content element within this document has an ID that corresponds to '<value-of select="$idvalue"/>').  
CS 1 … 1 M

The status 'completed' indicates that the comment is final.

IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
cs 1 … 1 F completed
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20025 ActStatusCompleted (DYNAMIC)
0 … * C The author of the statement SHALL be specified either here or in one of the ancestors.
Contains 2.16.756. Author Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom (DYNAMIC)
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11,
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (hl7:author[hl7:time and hl7:assignedAuthor[hl7:id and hl7:addr and hl7:telecom and (hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name)]] or ancestor::*/hl7:author[hl7:time and hl7:assignedAuthor[hl7:id and hl7:addr and hl7:telecom and (hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name)]])  
  Message The author of the statement SHALL be specified either here or in one of the ancestors. It shall contain the time, id, name, addr and telecom elements as specified in IHE PCC TF Vol. 2, section Authors and Informants.  
  Schematron assert role yellow info  
  test (not(hl7:author[hl7:time and hl7:assignedAuthor[hl7:id and hl7:addr and hl7:telecom and (hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name)]]) and ancestor::hl7:section/hl7:author[hl7:time and hl7:assignedAuthor[hl7:id and hl7:addr and hl7:telecom and (hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name)]])  
  Message The author of the statement is specified by the ancestor section.  
  Schematron assert role yellow info  
  test (not(hl7:author[hl7:time and hl7:assignedAuthor[hl7:id and hl7:addr and hl7:telecom and (hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name)]] or ancestor::hl7:section/hl7:author[hl7:time and hl7:assignedAuthor[hl7:id and hl7:addr and hl7:telecom and (hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name)]]) and ancestor::hl7:ClinicalDocument/hl7:author[hl7:time and hl7:assignedAuthor[hl7:id and hl7:addr and hl7:telecom and (hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name or hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:name)]])  
  Message The author of the statement is specified by the author in the document header.