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rejected Template  General Laboratory Report

Id 2.16.756. Effective Date 2018‑04‑19
Other versions this id:
Status rejected Rejected Version Label 2018
Name CDA-CH-LREP-GR-V1 Display Name General Laboratory Report

Swiss Laboratory Report - General Report

Context Pathname /
Classification CDA Document Level Template
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 0 templates, Uses 29 templates
Uses as Name Version
2.16.756. Include active Document Realm (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Template Ids CDA-CH-LREP V1 (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Id (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Code (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Title (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Confidentiality Code (2019) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Language (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Set Id and Version Number (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Human Patient - recordTarget (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Non-Human Subject - recordTarget (2019) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Human Patient with Non-Human Subject - recordTarget (2019) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Author (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Data Enterer (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Custodian (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Recipient (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Legal Authenticator (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment active Laboratory Results Validator - participant Containment (2019) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Health Service - documentationOf (2019) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Laboratory Performer - documentationOf (2019) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Insurance Card - participant (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Insurance - participant (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Include active Document Replacement - relatedDocument (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment active Laboratory Speciality Section - coded (2019) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment active Vital Signs Section - coded (2016) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment active Other Relevant Observations Section - coded (2020) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment rejected Current Pregnancy Section - coded (2018) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment draft Original Representation Section - coded (2017) DYNAMIC
Relationship Specialization: template 2.16.756. CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody enhanced (DYNAMIC)

Specialization: template 2.16.756. CDA-CH v2.1 - structuredBody (DYNAMIC)

Specialization: template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2 CDA ClinicalDocument (with StructuredBody) (2005‑09‑07)
<!-- See for examples -->
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1 … 1 M

Swiss Laboratory Report - General Report

Conformity rules that are not further modelled in ART-DECOR:

  • XML encoding
    UTF-8 encoding is required. All CDA-CH V2 documents MUST start with this line:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  • Phone numbers
    Phone numbers MUST be declared in the international format.
    Dots (.) MUST be used as separators for grouping of number blocks.
    The minus sign (-) MUST be used as a separator between public and internal telephone numbers. Purpose: Some telephone exchanges - especially in the US, allow direct dial-up of an internal telephone number after the actual connection has been established over the public telephone network.
    <telecom value="tel:+"/>
    <telecom value="tel:+1.987.654.3210-999"/>

Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Document Realm (DYNAMIC)
CS 1 … 1 M Swiss Realm (CHE) of HL7 CDA. CDA‑CH V2
CONF 1 … 1 F CHE
II 1 … 1 M (CDAdots-V1)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
st 1 … 1 F POCD_HD000040
Included from 2.16.756. Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody (DYNAMIC)
II 0 … 1 CDA-CH v2.0 specification. This is an informational reference, only. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA-CH v2.0 structuredBody CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M HL7 CDA R2 (2005); contains ClinicalDocument.component as structuredBody. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2
II 1 … 1 M HL7 CDA R2 (2005). CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1
Included from 2.16.756. Document Template Ids CDA-CH-LREP V1 (DYNAMIC)
II 0 … 1 CDA-CH-LREP / Laboratory Reports V1 specification. This is an informational reference, only. CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M Exchange format according to the Swiss EPR CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M Sharing Laboratory Reports (XD-LAB) Content Module, IHE PaLM Technical Framework Revision Revision 8.0 - June 21, 2017. CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F
II 1 … 1 M CDA-CH-LREP / Laboratory Reports V1 ART-DECOR model for General Report. (CDAdots-V1)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Document Id (DYNAMIC)
II 1 … 1 M A unique identifier for each CDA document instance. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 R The document's id as Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).
st 0 NP NP/not present
Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Document Code (DYNAMIC)
CE 1 … 1 M

A LOINC based document type of a CDA document instance including a translation to the Swiss EPR XDS.b metadata.

  • Multidisciplinary laboratory findings:
    The LOINC code of the document MUST read: 11502-2 (LABORATORY REPORT.TOTAL)
  • Laboratory reports of a single laboratory discipline:
    The LOINC code of the document MUST be taken from the value-set 'Laboratory Specialties'
IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
cs 1 … 1 R The exact value of @code MUST either read '11502-2' or taken from the value-set 'Laboratory Specialties'.
oid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1
st 1 … 1 F LOINC
st 1 … 1 R The exact value of @displayName MUST either read 'LABORATORY REPORT.TOTAL' or taken from the value-set 'Laboratory Specialties'.
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set Multi-disciplinary Laboratory Report (DYNAMIC)
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set Laboratory Specialties (DYNAMIC)
CD 1 … 1 R A translation to the Swiss EPR XDS.b metadata. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
cs 1 … 1 F 4241000179101
oid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
st 1 … 1 F SNOMED CT
st 1 … 1 F Laboratory report
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.756. DocumentEntry.typeCode (DYNAMIC)
Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Document Title (DYNAMIC)
ST 1 … 1 M

The document title must follow the following text format where <human readable code> is the local translation of the document LOINC code:

  • [de]: 'Laborbefund - <human readable code>'
  • [fr]: 'Rapport de laboratoire - <human readable code>'
  • [it]: 'Referto di laboratorio - <human readable code>'
  • [en]: 'Laboratory report - <human readable code>'
  Variable let Name languageCode  
  Value substring(/hl7:ClinicalDocument/hl7:languageCode/@code,1,2)  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test not($languageCode='en') or starts-with(text(),'Laboratory report')  
  Message The English title must start with 'Laboratory report'  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test not($languageCode='de') or starts-with(text(),'Laborbefund')  
  Message The German title must start with 'Laborbefund'  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test not($languageCode='fr') or starts-with(text(),'Rapport de laboratoire')  
  Message The French title must start with 'Rapport de laboratoire'  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test not($languageCode='it') or starts-with(text(),'Rapporto di laboratorio')  
  Message The Italian title must start with 'Rapporto di laboratorio'  
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 M ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime MUST exist. It contains the creation date and time of the laboratory report. If this document replaces a previous version (linked via parentDocument), this is the date and time of the new version. (CDAdots-V1)
Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Document Confidentiality Code (DYNAMIC)
CE (required) 1 … 1 M Swiss Realm of Confidentiality Code according to the Swiss EPR regulation. CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 R The value of @code MUST be drawn from value set DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode
oid 1 … 1 R
st 1 … 1 R
st 1 … 1 R The value of @displayName MUST be drawn from value set DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.756. DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode (DYNAMIC)
Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Document Language (DYNAMIC)
CS 1 … 1 M The RFC5646 based language in which the narrative texts in this CDA document instance are written. CDA‑CH V2
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11526 HumanLanguage (DYNAMIC)
Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Document Set Id and Version Number (DYNAMIC)
II 1 … 1 M The setId element MUST match the document id of the very first version of that document. It MUST remain the same for all document versions. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 R The root attribute MUST contain the setId as Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).
st 0 NP NP/not present
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (parent::*/hl7:versionNumber[@value='1'] and @root=parent::*/hl7:id/@root and (@extension=parent::*/hl7:id/@extension or (not(@extension) and not(parent::*/hl7:id/@extension)))) or (parent::*/hl7:versionNumber[not(@value ='1')] and ((@root=parent::*/hl7:id/@root and @extension and not(@extension=parent::*/hl7:id/@extension)) or(not(@root=parent::*/hl7:id/@root))))  
  Message The setId MUST be equal with the document id for version 1 and it MUST differ for all other versions.  
INT.NONNEG 1 … 1 M The versionNumber element MUST contain the value 1 for the very first version of that document. For later versions, the version number MUST be increased by 1 each. CDA‑CH V2
Choice 1 … 1
recordTarget MUST be present in one of the following characteristics:
  • Human Patient: The laboratory report contain test results from samples taken exclusively from a human patient.
  • Non-Human Subject: The laboratory report contains test results from samples taken from a non-human material (e.g., water, milk, etc.) or a living being (e.g., animal), but not related to a human patient.
  • Human Patient with Non-Human Subject: The laboratory report contains test results from samples taken from a non-human material that is related to a human patient (e.g., food eaten by the patient or animal that has bitten the patient).
Elements to choose from:
Included 0 … 1 from 2.16.756. Human Patient - recordTarget (DYNAMIC)
Human Patient: The laboratory results contain test results from samples taken exclusively from a human patient. All persons (including patients) and organizations, MUST according to XD-LAB contain name, addr and telecom.
0 … 1 R Patient (Human Patient). CDA‑dotsLREP
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 R Exactly one patient MUST be declared. CDA‑dotsLREP
II 1 … * R At least one patient identification MUST be declared. CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 R MUST contain the OID of the system that issued the ID. OIDs of code systems, which are published in the public OID registry for the Swiss health care system ( are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st 0 … 1   Contains the patient number itself. The number MUST be unique within the system that has issued the number.
AD 1 … * R All persons (including patients) and organizations, MUST according to XD-LAB contain name, addr and telecom.
Contains 2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (DYNAMIC)
TEL 1 … * R All persons (including patients) and organizations, MUST according to XD-LAB contain name, addr and telecom. CDA‑dotsLREP
1 … 1 R Exactly one patient MUST be declared. CDA‑dotsLREP
PN 1 … * R All persons (including patients) and organizations, MUST according to XD-LAB contain name, addr and telecom. CDA‑dotsLREP
CE 1 … 1 R The patient's gender. CDA‑dotsLREP
cs 0 … 1  
cs 0 … 1  
oid 0 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1
st 0 … 1 F HL7 AdministrativeGender
st 0 … 1  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (not(@nullFlavor) and @displayName and @code and @codeSystem and @codeSystemName) or (@nullFlavor and not(@displayName or @code or @codeSystem or @codeSystemName))  
  Message Either nullFlavor or a valid code is required.  
TS 1 … 1 R The date of birth of the patient MUST be given according to XD-LAB. CDA‑dotsLREP
Included 0 … 1 from 2.16.756. Non-Human Subject - recordTarget (DYNAMIC)
Non-Human Subject: The laboratory report contains test results from samples taken from a non-human material (e.g., water, milk, etc.) or a living being (e.g., animal), but not related to a human patient.
0 … 1 R Non-Human Subject. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
II 1 … 1 M IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
uid 1 … 1 F
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test //hl7:templateId[@root='']  
  Message In addition to the elements specified in the CDA header for the non-human subject, this non-human subject SHALL be represented in a Subject element in level 3 entries in the structuredBody.  
1 … 1 R IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
II 1 … * R IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
uid 1 … 1 R MUST contain the OID of the system that issued the number. OIDs of code systems, which are published in the public OID registry for the Swiss health care system ( are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st 0 … 1   Contains the actual number of non-human material. The number MUST be unique within the system that issued the number.
1 … 1 IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
cs 1 … 1 F OTH
  Indicates that there are laboratory tests for this non-human material in the CDA Body.
Included 0 … 1 from 2.16.756. Human Patient with Non-Human Subject - recordTarget (DYNAMIC)
Human Patient with Non-Human Subject: The laboratory report contains test results from samples taken from a non-human material that is related to a human patient (e.g., food eaten by the patient or animal that has bitten the patient).
0 … 1 R Human Patient with Non-Human Subject. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
II 1 … 1 M IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
uid 1 … 1 F
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test //hl7:templateId[@root='']  
  Message In addition to the elements specified in the CDA header for the patient, the non-human subject SHALL be represented in a Subject element in level 3 entries in the structuredBody.  
1 … 1 R Exactly one patient MUST be declared. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
II 1 … * R At least one patient identification MUST be declared.
The identification of the non-human material MUST NOT be declared here.
This can not be specified within the same document. See also: IHE PaLM TF3, section
If the identification of the non-human material is important (for example in rabies), two separate documents should be created (one with the human patient and one with the non-human material).
IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
st 1 … 1 R MUST contain the actual number of non-human material. The number MUST be unique within the system that issued the number.
uid 1 … 1 R MUST contain the OID of the system that issued the number. OIDs of code systems, which are published in the public OID registry for the Swiss health care system ( are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
AD 1 … * R All persons (including patients) and organizations, MUST contain according to XD-LAB name, addr and telecom. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
TEL 1 … * R All persons (including patients) and organizations, MUST contain according to XD-LAB name, addr and telecom. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
1 … 1 R Exactly one patient MUST be declared. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
PN 1 … * R All persons (including patients) and organizations, MUST contain according to XD-LAB name, addr and telecom. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
CE 1 … 1 R IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.1 AdministrativeGender (DYNAMIC)
TS 1 … 1 R IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
Included 1 … * M from 2.16.756. Author (DYNAMIC)
1 … * M Information about the author of the document. The author MAY be a person or a device. At least one author MUST be declared. CDA‑dotsLREP
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
CE 0 … 1 CDA‑dotsLREP
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10267 ParticipationFunction (DYNAMIC)
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Date and time of the laboratory report creation. CDA‑dotsLREP
1 … 1 R CDA‑dotsLREP
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test not(hl7:assignedAuthoringDevice/hl7:softwareName) or (hl7:representedOrganization)  
  Message For device authors the element representedOrganization is REQUIRED.  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (hl7:telecom[@use='PUB' and starts-with(@value,'tel:+')]) and (hl7:telecom[@use='PUB' and starts-with(@value,'mailto:')])  
  Message A public telephone number in the international format and a public eMail address are required.  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (hl7:addr[@use='PUB'])  
  Message A public address is required.  
II 1 … 1 R The specification of GS1 GLN is REQUIRED. If it is not (yet) known, this MUST be declared using nullFlavor.
For persons: their personal GLN MUST be declared.
For devices or software modules: the GLN of their organization MUST be declared.
cs 0 … 1 F NAV
  Temporarily unknown, will be filled later.
cs 0 … 1 F
  OID for GS1 GLN.
st 0 … 1   The GS1 GLN.
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (@root='' and @extension) or (@nullFlavor='NAV')  
  Message Either the GS1 GLN or nullFlavor='NAV' is REQUIRED  
II 0 … * Other ids are allowed. CDA‑dotsLREP
cs 1 … 1 R The OID of the system that issued the id. OIDs of code systems, which are published in a public OID registry are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st 0 … 1   The id itself. It MUST be unique within the issuing system.
AD 1 … * Address of the laboratory.
Contains 2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (DYNAMIC)
TEL 1 … * Means of communication of the laboratory (phone, eMail, ...). CDA‑dotsLREP
Choice 1 … 1 Elements to choose from:
0 … 1 The author as a person.
Contains 2.16.756. Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 The author as a device.
Contains 2.16.756. Device Compilation with name (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 The author's organization.
Contains 2.16.756. Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom (DYNAMIC)
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test /hl7:ClinicalDocument/hl7:author/hl7:functionCode/hl7:translation[@code='3212' and @codeSystem='2.16.840.1.113883.']  
  Message At least one of the listed authors MUST be a laboratory specialist.  
Included 0 … 1 from 2.16.756. Data Enterer (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 Information about the person that entered information in this CDA document. It SHALL be declared, when data recorded in this document has been entered by a person other than the author but only when this is relevant for some reason. CDA‑CH V2
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 Timestamp of the data input. CDA‑CH V2
1 … 1 R Contains 2.16.756. Assigned Entity Compilation with id (DYNAMIC) CDA‑CH V2
Included 1 … 1 M from 2.16.756. Custodian (DYNAMIC)
1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 R CDA‑dotsLREP
1 … 1 R CDA‑dotsLREP
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (hl7:telecom[@use='PUB' and starts-with(@value,'tel:+')])  
  Message A public telephone number in the international format is required.  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (hl7:addr[@use='PUB'])  
  Message A public address is required.  
II 1 … * R The specification of GS1 GLN is required. If it is not (yet) known, this must be declared using nullFlavor. CDA‑dotsLREP
cs 0 … 1 F NAV
  Temporarily unknown, will be filled later.
cs 0 … 1 F
  OID for GS1 GLN
st 0 … 1   The GS1 GLN of the laboratory or the doctor's office (in the case of individual practices, the doctor's GLN).
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (@root='' and @extension) or (@nullFlavor='NAV')  
  Message Either the GS1 GLN or nullFlavor='NAV' is required.  
II 0 … * C SASIS number (ge:ZSR / fr:RCC), if the lab services are to be refunded by the insurance. CDA‑dotsLREP
cs 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
  OID for SASIS number (ge:ZSR / fr:RCC).
st 1 … 1 R SASIS number (ge:ZSR / fr:RCC) of the laboratory or the physician.
ON 1 … 1 R Name of the laboratory. CDA‑dotsLREP
TEL 1 … 1 R Means of communication of the laboratory (phone., eMail, ...). CDA‑dotsLREP
AD 1 … 1 R Address of the laboratory.
Contains 2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (DYNAMIC)
Included 1 … * M from 2.16.756. Recipient (DYNAMIC)
1 … * M The laboratory report MUST contain at least one receiver. CDA‑dotsLREP
cs 1 … 1 R The main recipient of the document MUST be specified using typeCode 'PRCP' (primary recipient). Other receivers (copy to; Cc) MUST be specified using typeCode 'TRC' (tracker).
The value of @typeCode shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19366 x_InformationRecipient (DYNAMIC)
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F
1 … 1 M The laboratory report MUST contain at least one receiver. CDA‑dotsLREP
AD 1 … * R An address MUST be present according to XD-LAB.
Contains 2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (DYNAMIC)
TEL 1 … * R A communication mean MUST be present according to XD-LAB. CDA‑dotsLREP
0 … 1 If the person of the recipient is used, it MUST according to XD-LAB declare a name.
Contains 2.16.756. Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 If the organization of the recipient is used, it MUST according to XD-LAB declare name, addr and telecom.
Contains 2.16.756. Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom (DYNAMIC)
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test hl7:informationRecipient[not(@nullFlavor)] or hl7:receivedOrganization[not(@nullFlavor)]  
  Message Either the recipients person or organization MUST be declared.  
Included 0 … 1 from 2.16.756. Legal Authenticator (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 Legal authenticator. CDA‑dotsLREP
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑dotsLREP
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Date of the signature. CDA‑dotsLREP
CS 1 … 1 R CDA‑dotsLREP
cs 1 … 1 F S
oid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282
st 1 … 1 F ParticipationSignature
st 1 … 1 F signed
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282 ParticipationSignature (DYNAMIC)
1 … 1 R The GLN MUST be used to identify the legal authenticator (e.g., laboratory manager or responsible physician). All persons and organizations, MUST according to XD-LAB contain name, addr and telecom.
Contains 2.16.756. AssignedEntity Compilation for Laboratory (DYNAMIC)
0 … * Contains 2.16.756. Laboratory Results Validator - participant Containment (DYNAMIC) (CDAdots-V1)
Included 0 … 1 from 2.16.756. Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 Reference to one or more orders which led to the creation of this CDA document. It SHALL be declared, when the order reference is relevant for some reason. CDA‑CH V2
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 R CDA‑CH V2
II 1 … * R Order number. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 R Either the same GUID (order id) or the same OID (order issuing system) as the order itself.
st 0 … 1   Contains the order ID itself. The ID MUST be unique within the system that issued the ID.
Included 0 … 1 from 2.16.756. Health Service - documentationOf (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 Information about a health service describing the context of this CDA document. CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F DOC
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 R CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F ACT
cs 1 … 1 F EVN
II 0 … * Health service identifiers such as case number ([ge]: Fallnummer; [fr]: Numéro de cas), consultation id, episode id, etc. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 R The OID of the system that issued the id. OIDs of code systems, which are published in a public OID registry are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st 0 … 1   The id itself. It MUST be unique within the issuing system.
CE 1 … 1 R As long as the eventCodeList for the Swiss EPR metadata is not defined yet by the FDHA Ordinance on the Electronic Patient Record (EPRO-FDHA), the nullFlavor='NAV' MUST be used in this template. Other codes MAY be declared as translation. CDA‑CH V2
st 1 … 1 F NAV
cs 0 NP NP/not present
oid 0 NP NP/not present
st 0 NP NP/not present
st 0 NP NP/not present
0 … * A translation of the code to another coding system. CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 R
oid 1 … 1 R
st 1 … 1 R
st 1 … 1 R
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Duration of the health service. CDA‑CH V2
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Start of the health service. CDA‑CH V2
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R End of the health service. CDA‑CH V2
Included 0 … * from 2.16.756. Performer (DYNAMIC)
0 … * Information about a healthcare provider who was the primary performer of the act. CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F PRF
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 R CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F
1 … 1 R CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.323
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 Duration of the performance. CDA‑CH V2
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Start of the performance. CDA‑CH V2
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R End of the performance. CDA‑CH V2
1 … 1 R Contains 2.16.756. Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization (DYNAMIC) CDA‑CH V2
Included 0 … * from 2.16.756. Laboratory Performer - documentationOf (DYNAMIC)
0 … * IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
II 1 … 1 M IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 R IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 Use of sub element documentationOf/serviceEvent/effectiveTime to document the time boundaries of events in the document is appropriate. IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
0 … * Laboratory Performer template in the CDA header.
Contains 2.16.756. Laboratory Performer - performer Containment (DYNAMIC)
IHE PalM TF3 Rev.10,
Included 0 … * from 2.16.756. Insurance Card - participant (DYNAMIC)
0 … * Information on a patient's insurance card. CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F HLD
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Validity period of the insurance card. CDA‑CH V2
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F NASK
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Expiration date of the insurance card. CDA‑CH V2
1 … 1 R CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F POLHOLD
II 1 … 1 R The insurance card's id. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
st 1 … 1 R Number of the insurance card.
0 … 1 Family and given name on the insurance card.
Contains 2.16.756. Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1 The insurance company which issued the insurance card.
Contains 2.16.756. Organization Compilation with name (DYNAMIC)
Included 0 … * from 2.16.756. Insurance - participant (DYNAMIC)
0 … * Information on a patient's insurance. CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F COV
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 Validity period of the contract. CDA‑CH V2
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R Start of the contract. CDA‑CH V2
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 R End of the contract. CDA‑CH V2
1 … 1 R CDA‑CH V2
cs 1 … 1 F PAYOR
II 1 … 1 R The id of the contract ([ge]: Versichertennummer; [fr]: Numéro d'assuré). CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 R The OID of the system that issued the id. OIDs of code systems, which are published in a public OID registry are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st 0 … 1   The id itself. It MUST be unique within the issuing system.
CE 1 … 1 R The underlying law for the contract. CDA‑CH V2
cs 0 … 1 F NAV
cs 0 … 1   832.10, 832.20, 221.229.1, 833.1, 831.20
oid 0 … 1 F 2.16.756.
st 0 … 1 F ins-laws
st 0 … 1   Federal Act on Health Insurance (HIA), Federal Act on Accident Insurance (AIA), Federal Act on Insurance Policies (Insurance Policies Act, IPA), Federal Act on Military Insurance (MilIA), Federal Act on Invalidity Insurance (InvIA)
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (@nullFlavor='NAV' and not(@codeSystem or @codeSystemName or @code or @displayName)) or (@codeSystem='2.16.756.' and @codeSystemName='ins-laws' and @code and @displayName)  
  Message Either a valid insurance law or nullFlavor="NAV" is REQUIRED.  
0 … 1 Contact person at the insurance company.
Contains 2.16.756. Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 (DYNAMIC)
1 … 1 The insurance company.
Contains 2.16.756. Organization Compilation with GLN, name, addr and telecom (DYNAMIC)
Included 0 … * from 2.16.756. Document Replacement - relatedDocument (DYNAMIC)
0 … *

Relationship to another CDA-CH V2 based document that is replaced by the current one.

Notes: For correction of wrong information, a new document that replaces the earlier document MUST be created. The new document corrects previously incorrect information. This also applies to the case where information in the CDA header has been corrected (e.g., if the original document has been issued to the wrong patient). While processing the new document at the recipient, all values from the previous document MUST be interpreted as deprecated (deleted/marked as deleted/deprecated) and all values in the new document MUST be marked as valid:

  • Values that were only contained in the previous document have to be treated as deleted.
  • Values that are present in both documents are overwritten with the contents of the new document.
  • Values that are only contained in the new document are to be added.
cs 1 … 1 F RPLC
  Indicates that it is a relationship to another document that needs to be replaced.
II 1 … 1 M CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 R Relationship to the document that needs to be replaced. CDA‑CH V2
II 1 … 1 M The id of the document to be replaced MUST be declared. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 R The id (GUID) of the document to be replaced.
st 0 NP NP/not present
II 1 … 1 M The setId of the document to be replaced MUST be declared. CDA‑CH V2
st 0 NP NP/not present
uid 1 … 1 R The setId (GUID) of the document to be replaced and MUST be identical with the content of the setId of the current document.
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test (@root=/hl7:ClinicalDocument/hl7:setId/@root) and not(@extension) and not(/hl7:ClinicalDocument/hl7:setId/@extension)  
  Message ClinicalDocument/setId: MUST be identical to the one of the replaced document  
INT 1 … 1 M The version number of the document to be replaced. CDA‑CH V2
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test /hl7:ClinicalDocument/hl7:versionNumber/@value > @value  
  Message ClinicalDocument/versionNumber: MUST be higher than the one of the replaced document  
1 … 1 R (CDAdots-V1)
1 … 1 R (CDAdots-V1)
1 … * M

Main section for laboratory reports

A laboratory report MUST contain at least one main chapter in the structured body element, which MAY contain one or more sub-chapters. No further nesting is allowed. Each main section (Laboratory Specialty Section) contains laboratory tests of a particular discipline (e.g., microbiology or serology) and MUST contain either text and entry elements or sub-chapter (Laboratory Report Item Section). In the first case, the human-readable text in the text element MUST be generated automatically from the entry and its sub-elements, and sub-chapters ARE NOT ALLOWED. In the second case, all subsections (Laboratory Report Item Sections) must contain the examination results.

Contains 2.16.756. Laboratory Speciality Section - coded (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1

Main section for vital signs

A laboratory report MAY include a main section in the structuredBody element that contains vital signs of the patient (e.g., body temperature, body height and weight), if this is of particular interest to the interpretation of the laboratory results.

Contains 2.16.756. Vital Signs Section - coded (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1

Main section for coded results

A laboratory report MAY include a main section in the structuredBody element that contains coded results of the patient (e.g., gestational age of the patient), if this is of particular interest to the interpretation of the laboratory results.

Contains 2.16.756. Other Relevant Observations Section - coded (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1

Main section for a current pregnancy

A laboratory report MAY include a main section in the structuredBody element that contains information about a current pregnancy of the patient (e.g., estimated delivery date), if this is of particular interest to the interpretation of the laboratory results.

Contains 2.16.756. Current Pregnancy Section - coded (DYNAMIC)
0 … 1

Main section for original representation

This section MAY be used to provide the original representation of the current CDA document as it has been seen by the legal authenticator while signing.

Contains 2.16.756. Original Representation Section - coded (DYNAMIC)
  Schematron assert role orange warning  
  test not(//hl7:id[@root='2.16.756.'])  
  Message This CDA-CH-LREP document contains a Swiss EPR-SPID. Please make sure, that this fits the legal base.  
  Schematron report role orange warning  
  test //hl7:id[@root=('2.16.756.5.31', '2.16.756.5.32')]/parent::hl7:patientRole  
  Message This CDA-CH-LREP document contains a Swiss Social Security number as patient identifier. Please make sure, that this fits the legal base.  
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test not(//hl7:id[@root=('2.16.756.', '2.16.756.5.31', '2.16.756.5.32')]/../..[not(hl7:patientRole)])  
  Message Swiss EPR-SPID and Social Security numbers are not allowed in CDA-CH-LREP documents for other objects than the patient.