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active Template  Organization Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom

Id 2.16.756.
Effective Date 2018‑04‑18
Status active Active Version Label 2017
Name cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom Display Name Organization Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom
Reusable template wherever an organization with required id, name, address and communication means is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
Label CDA‑CH V2
Classification Template type not specified
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 1 transaction and 7 templates, Uses 1 template
Used by as Name Version
cdachlrep-transaction-2 Transaction pending CDA-CH-LREP - General Laboratory Report (2018) 2018‑03‑06 18:38:46
2.16.756. Containment active Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization (2020) 2019‑10‑24 16:38:14
2.16.756. link active Performer (2020) 2018‑12‑24 19:51:04
2.16.756. link active Health Service - documentationOf (2019) 2019‑01‑01 20:53:33
2.16.756. link active General Laboratory Report (2020) 2020‑06‑26
2.16.756. link retired Health Service - documentationOf (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. link retired Performer (2017) 2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Containment retired Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization (2017) 2018‑04‑18
Uses as Name Version
2.16.756. Containment active Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (2017) DYNAMIC
Relationship Specialization: template 2.16.756. Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom (DYNAMIC)
<id root="2.999" extension="432ohjb"/><name>Fuchsbau Medical Services AG</name><telecom value="tel:+41.99.888.77.66" use="WP"/><telecom value="" use="WP"/><telecom value="" use="WP"/><addr>
  <streetName>Specimengasse</streetName>  <houseNumber>99</houseNumber>  <city>Musterhausen</city>  <postalCode>9999</postalCode>  <country>CH</country></addr>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
II 1 … * R The organization's id. CDA‑CH V2
uid 1 … 1 R The OID of the system that issued the id. OIDs of code systems, which are published in a public OID registry are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st 0 … 1   Contains the ID itself. The ID MUST be unique within the system that issued the ID.
ON 1 … * R The organization's name. CDA‑CH V2
TEL 1 … * R The organization's means of communication (phone, eMail, ...). CDA‑CH V2
AD 1 … * R The organization's address.
Contains 2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (DYNAMIC)