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ref Template  Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody

Id 2.16.756.
(from repository: hl7chcda-)
Effective Date valid from 2017‑03‑28 21:09:20

There are versions of templates with this id:
  • cdach_header_DocumentTemplateIdsCdaChv2.0-structuredBody as of 2017‑03‑28 21:09:20
  • CDA-CH-TPLT as of 2016‑06‑06
Status draft Draft Version Label 2017
Name cdach_header_DocumentTemplateIdsCdaChv2.0-structuredBody Display Name Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody
CDA-CH V2 bases on HL7 CDA R2 (2005) and - by using this template - require a structured body. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHALL reference this template. These SHALL define further template ids in their own separate templates.
Classification CDA Header Level Template
Open/Closed Closed (only defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 2 templates, Uses 0 templates
Used by as Name Version
2.16.756. Include draft EmergencyMedicalServiceProtocol (2017) 2017‑06‑13 17:19:29
2.16.756. link cancelled EmergencyMedicalServiceProtocol (2017) 2017‑05‑31 17:19:29
notice Circular reference found with cdachresp-template-document-2, please check
Relationship Version: template 2.16.756. (2016‑06‑06)
<!-- CDA-CH v2.0 specification (optional, but informative template id). -->
<templateId root="2.16.756."/><!-- CDA-CH v2.0 ART-DECOR model - structuredBody. -->
<templateId root="2.16.756."/><!-- HL7 CDA R2 (2005) having a structuredBody. -->
<templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2"/><!-- HL7 CDA R2 (2005). -->
<templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1"/>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
II 0 … 1 CDA-CH v2.0 specification. This is an informational reference, only. (cdadotsody)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M CDA-CH v2.0 ART-DECOR model - structuredBody. (cdadotsody)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
II 1 … 1 M HL7 CDA R2 (2005); contains ClinicalDocument.component as structuredBody. (cdadotsody)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2
II 1 … 1 M HL7 CDA R2 (2005). (cdadotsody)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1