valid from 2017‑03‑28 21:08:56
There are versions of templates with this id:
cdach_header_DocumentConfidentialityCode as of 2017‑03‑28 21:08:56
CDA_CH_CONF as of 2016‑06‑06
Version Label
Display Name
Document Confidentiality Code
A confidentiality level of a CDA document instance according to the Swiss EPR regulation.
All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template.
Language dependent references to the Swiss EPR regulation:
en: Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record (EPRA), FDHA Ordinance on the Electronic
Patient Record (EPRO-FDHA), Appendix 3 (Metadata)
de: Bundesgesetz über das elektronische Patientendossier (EPDG), Verordnung des EDI
über das elektronische Patientendossier (EPDV-EDI), Anhang 3 (Metadaten)
fr: Loi fédérale sur le dossier électronique du patient (LDEP), Ordonnance du DFI
sur le dossier électronique du patient (ODEP-DFI), Annexe 3 (Métadonnées)
it: Legge federale sulla cartella informatizzata del paziente (LCIP), Ordinanza del
DFI sulla cartella informatizzata del paziente (OCIP-DFI), Allegato 3 (Metadati)
CDA Header Level Template
Closed (only defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 3 templates, Uses 0 templates