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ref Template  Anamnesis

Id 2.16.756. Effective Date valid from 2017‑06‑12 17:15:34
Status draft Draft Version Label 2017
Name AnamnesisSection Display Name Anamnesis
Description Anamnesis Section
Context Parent nodes of template element with id 2.16.756.
Classification CDA Section Level Template
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Associated with
Associated with 1 concept
Id Name Data Set
cdachresp-dataelement-16 Anamnese 1
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 2 templates, Uses 2 templates
Used by as Name Version
2.16.756. Containment draft EmergencyMedicalServiceProtocol (2017) 2017‑06‑13 17:19:29
2.16.756. link cancelled EmergencyMedicalServiceProtocol (2017) 2017‑05‑31 17:19:29
notice Circular reference found with cdachresp-template-document-2, please check
Uses as Name Version
2.16.756. Containment draft Anamnesis Event (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment draft Anamnesis Symptom (2017) DYNAMIC
Relationship Specialization: template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.201 (2005‑09‑07)
  <templateId root="2.16.756."/>  <code code="1100005" codeSystem="2.16.756." displayName="Anamnese" codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP"/>  <title> Anamnese </title>  <text>
          <th>Geschehen</th>        </tr>
          <td ID="anamnesis">Hat sich beim Spazieren im Wald schlecht gefühlt und
ist abgesessen.
          <th>Symptome</th>        </tr>
          <td ID="symptom">Starke Schmerzen in der Brust und im linken Oberarm
      <caption>Allergien</caption>      <item>Baumpollen </item>      <item>bekannte Unverträglichkeitsreaktion auf einzelne
      <caption>preMedication</caption>      <item>Aspirin cardio 100, 1 Tbl/Tag</item>    </list>
      <caption>Medizinische Vorgeschichte</caption>      <item>Herzvorfall vor 4 Jahren, behandelt im Triemli, seit dem
Aspirin cardio
      <caption>Weitere</caption>      <item>Seit dem Frühstück um ca.08:00 Uhr hat er nichts mehr
      <item>Peter Muster hat keine Patientenverfügung erstellt </item>      <item>es sind keine anderen medizinische Probleme bekannt</item>    </list>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <code code="261665006" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="Unknown"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#anamnesis"/>      </text>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <code code="162408000" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="General symptom description (finding)"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#symptom"/>      </text>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
target cdachresp-dataelement-16 Anamnese 1
cs 0 … 1 F DOCSECT
cs 0 … 1 F EVN
II 1 … 1 M (Anadotsion)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
CE 1 … 1 M (Anadotsion)
CONF 1 … 1 F 1100005
1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 F IVR Codesystem RESP
1 … 1 F Anamnese
ST 1 … 1 M Fixed human readable title of this section.
  • [ge]: 'Anamnese'
  • [fr]: 'TODO'
  • [it]: 'TODO'
  • [en]: 'TODO'
The German title must read 'Anamnese'
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 M Human readable text of this section. (Anadotsion)
0 … 1 Contains 2.16.756. Anamnesis Event (DYNAMIC) (Anadotsion)
treeblank where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root='2.16.756.']]]
0 … * Contains 2.16.756. Anamnesis Symptom (DYNAMIC) (Anadotsion)
treeblank where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root='2.16.756.']]]