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ref Template  Mission

Id 2.16.756. Effective Date valid from 2017‑06‑12 17:01:16
Status draft Draft Version Label 2017
Name MissionSection Display Name Mission
Description Mission Section
Context Parent nodes of template element with id 2.16.756.
Classification CDA Section Level Template
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Associated with
Associated with 2 concepts
Id Name Data Set
cdachresp-dataelement-78 Statuszeiten 1
cdachresp-dataelement-1 Einsatz 1
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 2 templates, Uses 4 templates
Used by as Name Version
2.16.756. Containment draft EmergencyMedicalServiceProtocol (2017) 2017‑06‑13 17:19:29
2.16.756. link cancelled EmergencyMedicalServiceProtocol (2017) 2017‑05‑31 17:19:29
notice Circular reference found with cdachresp-template-document-2, please check
Uses as Name Version
2.16.756. Containment draft Mission Encounter (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment draft Mission Incident Location Organizer (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment draft Mission Destination Location Organizer (2017) DYNAMIC
2.16.756. Containment draft Mission Time Status (2017) DYNAMIC
Relationship Specialization: template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.201 (2005‑09‑07)
  <templateId root="2.16.756."/>  <code code="1100001" codeSystem="2.16.756." displayName="Einsatz" codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP"/>  <title>Einsatz</title>  <text>
          <th>Einsatz</th>        </tr>
          <td>Einsatzdatum</td>          <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-54 -->
          <td>10.12.2016</td>        </tr>
          <td>Einsatznummer</td>          <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-54 -->
          <td>S12345678</td>        </tr>
          <td>aufbietende Organisation</td>          <td>7601002156370 (SNZ)</td>        </tr>
          <td>augebotene Organisation</td>          <td>7601002156363 (Rettungsdienst Schutz & Rettung Zürich)
          <td>Team</td>          <td>
Petra Muster, GLN 7601003330434, Betreuerin
Hans Beispiel, GLN 7601000028105, Betreuer
          <td>Einsatzort</td>          <td>Zürich, Waldrand (47.392115, 8.553192)</td>        </tr>
          <td>Zielort</td>          <td>USZ Notfall</td>        </tr>
          <th>Alarm</th>          <th>Status DP</th>          <th>Status 1</th>          <th>Status 2</th>          <th>Kontakt Patient</th>          <th>Status 3</th>          <th>Status 4</th>          <th>Status 5</th>          <th>Status 6</th>        </tr>
          <th ID="alarm">12.09</th>          <th ID="disposition">12.11</th>          <th ID="rollout">12.13</th>          <th ID="arrivalonscene">12.17</th>          <th ID="arrivalpatient">12.22</th>          <th ID="departurefromscene">12.48</th>          <th ID="arrivalattarget">12.54</th>          <th ID="departurefromtarget"/>          <th ID="operationalreadiness"/>        </tr>
    <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-79 -->
    <encounter classCode="ENC" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.302"/>      <!-- dachresp-dataelement-25 -->
      <participant typeCode="LOC">
        <participantRole classCode="SDLOC">
          <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-175 Einsatzort Postadresse (eCH-0010) -->
            <city>Zürich</city>          </addr>
          <playingEntity classCode="ENT">
            <name>Waldrand</name>          </playingEntity>
      <!-- Id cdachresp-dataelement-103 -->
      <participant typeCode="DST">
        <participantRole classCode="SDLOC">
          <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-222 -->
          <id root="" extension="7601002155939"/>          <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-174 -->
            <streetAddressLine>Rämistrasse 100</streetAddressLine>            <city>Zürich</city>            <postalCode>8091</postalCode>          </addr>
          <playingEntity classCode="ENT">
            <name>Universitätsspital Zürich, Notfall</name>          </playingEntity>
    <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-25 (Koordinationen) -->
    <organizer classCode="CLUSTER" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <statusCode code="completed"/>      <component>
        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
          <templateId root="2.16.756."/>          <code code="52000-7" displayName="Ambulance transport, Origination site latitude" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC"/>          <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-28 Koordinaten Einsatzort -->
          <value xsi:type="PQ" value="47.392115" unit="deg"/>        </observation>
        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
          <templateId root="2.16.756."/>          <code code="52001-5" displayName="Ambulance transport, Origination site longitude" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC"/>          <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-29 Koordinaten Einsatzort -->
          <value xsi:type="PQ" value="8.553192" unit="deg"/>        </observation>
  <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-78: Status Zeiten -->
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-278 : Bedeutung der Statuszeit -->
      <code code="1000033" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP" displayName="alarm"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#alarm"/>      </text>
      <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-286 Statuszeit -->
      <value xsi:type="TS" value="20161210110900.0000+0100"/>    </observation>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-278 : Bedeutung der Statuszeit -->
      <code code="1000034" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP" displayName="disposition"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#disposition"/>      </text>
      <!-- cdachresp-dataelement-286 Statuszeit -->
      <value xsi:type="TS" value="20161210111100.0000+0100"/>    </observation>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <code code="1000035" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP" displayName="rollout"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#rollout"/>      </text>
      <value xsi:type="TS" value="20161210111300.0000+0100"/>    </observation>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <code code="1000036" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP" displayName="arrival on scene"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#arrivalonscene"/>      </text>
      <value xsi:type="TS" value="20161210111700.0000+0100"/>    </observation>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <code code="1000037" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP" displayName="arrival patient"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#arrivalpatient"/>      </text>
      <value xsi:type="TS" value="20161210112200.0000+0100"/>    </observation>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <code code="1000038" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP" displayName="departure from scene"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#departurefromscene"/>      </text>
      <value xsi:type="TS" value="20161210114800.0000+0100"/>    </observation>
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root="2.16.756."/>      <code code="1000039" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="IVR Codesystem RESP" displayName="arrival at target"/>      <text>
        <reference value="#arrivalattarget"/>      </text>
      <value xsi:type="TS" value="20161210115400.0000+0100"/>    </observation>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
target cdachresp-dataelement-1 Einsatz 1
cs 0 … 1 F DOCSECT
cs 0 … 1 F EVN
II 1 … 1 M (Misdotsion)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
CE 1 … 1 M (Misdotsion)
CONF 1 … 1 F 1100001
1 … 1 F 2.16.756.
1 … 1 F IVR Codesystem RESP
1 … 1 F Einsatz
ST 1 … 1 M Fixed human readable title of this section.
  • [ge]: 'Einsatz'
  • [fr]: 'TODO'
  • [it]: 'TODO'
  • [en]: 'TODO'
The German title must read 'Einsatz'
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 M Human readable text of this section. (Misdotsion)
0 … 1 Contains 2.16.756. Mission Encounter (DYNAMIC) (Misdotsion)
treeblank where [hl7:encounter [hl7:templateId [@root='2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root='2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.302']]]
0 … 1 Contains 2.16.756. Mission Incident Location Organizer (DYNAMIC) (Misdotsion)
treeblank where [hl7:organizer [hl7:templateId [@root='2.16.756.']]]
0 … 1 Contains 2.16.756. Mission Destination Location Organizer (DYNAMIC) (Misdotsion)
treeblank where [hl7:organizer [hl7:templateId [@root='2.16.756.']]]
0 … * Contains 2.16.756. Mission Time Status (DYNAMIC) (Misdotsion)
treeblank where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root='2.16.756.']]]
target cdachresp-dataelement-78 Statuszeiten 1