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Template Social-medical care plan V2 with associations for transaction CDA-CH-SMCP - Social-medical care plan V2

Path that leads to this instance: /
XML Data type Card/Conf Concept ID Concept Label
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 … 1 Mandatory CDA-CH-SMCP-V2
treetree hl7:realmCode
where [@code = 'CHE'] code="CHE"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentRealm)
treetree hl7:typeId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.1.3'] [@extension = 'POCD_HD000040'] root="2.16.840.1.113883.1.3" extension="POCD_HD000040"
II 1 … 1 Mandatory CDA-CH-SMCP-V2
treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 0 … 1 (cdach_header_DocumentTemplateIdsCdaChv2.0-structuredBody)
treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2'] root="2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2"
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentTemplateIdsCdaChv2.0-structuredBody)
treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1'] root="2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1"
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentTemplateIdsCdaChv2.0-structuredBody)
treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_TemplateIdsCdaChSmcpV2)
treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_TemplateIdsCdaChSmcpV2)
treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_TemplateIdsCdaChSmcpV2)
treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)] [not(@extension)] root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentId)
treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '56447-6' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="56447-6" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Plan of Care Note"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_DocumentCode)
treeblank treetree hl7:translation
where [(@code = '721915006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96') or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="721915006" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="Admission request" valueSet="2.16.756."
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_DocumentCode)
treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_DocumentTitle)
treetree hl7:effectiveTime
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 0.3 (Le) CDA-CH-SMCP-V2
treetree hl7:confidentialityCode
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756."
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentConfidentialityCode)
treetree hl7:languageCode
where [not(@nullFlavor)] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11526"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentLanguage)
treetree hl7:setId
where [not(@extension)] root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_DocumentSetIdAndVersionNumber)
treetree hl7:versionNumber
INT.NONNEG 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_DocumentSetIdAndVersionNumber)
treetree hl7:recordTarget
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treetree hl7:patientRole
where [hl7:id [@root = '2.16.756.5.32']]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [@root = '2.16.756.5.32'] root="2.16.756.5.32" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank attribute
st cdachsmcp-dataelement-21 Field 1.10 (N° AVS)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
nullFlavor="NI" use="HP"
AD 1 … 1 Required Field 1.6 (Adresse du domicile) (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required Field 1.14 (Email)
Field 1.9 (Tel secondaire)
Field 1.8 (Tel principal)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:patient
where [hl7:administrativeGenderCode [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 1 … 1 Required Field 1.1 (Nom) (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 1 … 1 Required Field 1.2 (Prénom) (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:administrativeGenderCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor] valueSet="2.16.756."
CE 1 … 1 Required Field 1.3 (Sexe) (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:birthTime
TS 1 … 1 Required Field 1.5 (Date de naissance) (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:maritalStatusCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12212-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12212"
CE 0 … 1 Field 1.4 (Etat civil) (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:religiousAffiliationCode
where [@nullFlavor = 'OTH'] nullFlavor="OTH"
CE 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 1 … 1 Required Field 1.16 (Religion / Confession) (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCommunication
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
0 … 1 Field 1.15 (Langue maternelle) (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCode
CS 1 … 1 Required (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:modeCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12249-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12249" flexibility="dynamic"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:proficiencyLevelCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12199-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12199" flexibility="dynamic"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:preferenceInd
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="true"
BL 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_MotherTongue)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCommunication
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
0 … 1 Field 1.17 (Communication en français) (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCode
where [@code = 'fr'] code="fr"
CS 1 … 1 Required (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:modeCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12249-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12249" flexibility="dynamic"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:proficiencyLevelCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12199-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12199" flexibility="dynamic"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 1.17.1 (Code Communication en français) (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional Field 1.17.2 (Difficultés Communication en français) (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:preferenceInd
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
BL 1 … 1 Mandatory (chsmcp_header_FrenchCommunication)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCommunication
0 … * (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCode
CS 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:modeCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12249-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12249"
CE 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:proficiencyLevelCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12199-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12199"
CE 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:preferenceInd
BL 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Patient)
treetree hl7:author
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treetree hl7:functionCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor] nullFlavor="NAV" code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
where [(@code = '116154003' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')] code="116154003" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="Patient (person)"
0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthor
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
nullFlavor="NAV" root="" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdachsmcp_header_Author)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required Field 0.4 (N° de tel)
Field 0.6 (Email)
Field 0.5 (N° de Fax)
treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
0 … 1 Field 0.1 (Adressé par) (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthoringDevice
0 … 1 (cdach_other_DeviceCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:manufacturerModelName
SC 0 … 1 (cdach_other_DeviceCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:softwareName
SC 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_DeviceCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
0 … 1 (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:dataEnterer
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
0 … 1 (cdach_header_DataEnterer)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DataEnterer)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdach_header_DataEnterer)
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
0 … 1 (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
0 … 1 (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:custodian
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_Custodian)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_Custodian)
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedCustodian
where [hl7:representedCustodianOrganization]
1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_Custodian)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedCustodianOrganization
1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_Custodian)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)] root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Mandatory (cdach_header_Custodian)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_Custodian)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_header_Custodian)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:informationRecipient
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']] typeCode="…"
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Recipient)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Recipient)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Recipient)
treeblank treetree hl7:intendedRecipient
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Recipient)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
extension="…" root="…"
II 0 … * Required (cdachsmcp_header_Recipient)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdachsmcp_header_Recipient)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:informationRecipient
0 … 1 Field 0.2 (Adressé à) (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:receivedOrganization
0 … 1 (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:legalAuthenticator
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required Field 19.3 (Le) (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:signatureCode
where [@code = 'S' or @code = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/*/@code] code="S" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282"
CS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
where [hl7:assignedPerson]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_header_LegalAuthenticator)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
1 … 1 Required Field 19.2 (Document validé par) (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:suffix
ENXP 1 … * Field 19.4 (Fonction) (cdachsmcp_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011WithSuffix)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
0 … 1 (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:authenticator
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
0 … * (cdach_header_Authenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_Authenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_Authenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:signatureCode
where [@code = 'S' or @code = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/*/@code] code="S" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282"
CS 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_Authenticator)
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
0 … 1 (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
0 … 1 (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:participant
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']] typeCode="COV"
1 … 1 Required Field 2.1 (Assurance Maladie) (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treetree hl7:associatedEntity
where [hl7:code [(@code = '832.10' and @codeSystem = '2.16.756.')]] classCode="PAYOR"
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required Field 2.1.2 (N° assuré Maladie) (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '832.10' and @codeSystem = '2.16.756.')] displayName="Federal Act on Health Insurance (HIA)" code="832.10" codeSystemName="ins-laws" codeSystem="2.16.756."
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceIllness)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedPerson
0 … 1 (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:scopingOrganization
where [hl7:id [@root = '']]
0 … 1 Field 2.1.1 (Caisse Maladie) (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [@root = ''] root="" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:participant
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']] typeCode="COV"
0 … 1 Field 2.2 (Assurance Accident) (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treetree hl7:associatedEntity
where [hl7:code [(@code = '832.20' and @codeSystem = '2.16.756.')]] classCode="PAYOR"
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required Field 2.2.2 (N° assuré Accident) (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '832.20' and @codeSystem = '2.16.756.')] displayName="Federal Act on Accident Insurance (AIA)" code="832.20" codeSystemName="ins-laws" codeSystem="2.16.756."
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceAccident)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedPerson
0 … 1 (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:scopingOrganization
where [hl7:id [@root = '']]
0 … 1 Field 2.2.1 (Caisse Accident) (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [@root = ''] root="" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:participant
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']] typeCode="COV"
0 … 1 Field 2.3 (Assurance Complémentaire) (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treetree hl7:associatedEntity
where [hl7:code [(@code = '221.229.1' and @codeSystem = '2.16.756.')]] classCode="PAYOR"
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required Field 2.3.2 (N° assuré Complémentaire) (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '221.229.1' and @codeSystem = '2.16.756.')] displayName="Federal Act on Insurance Policies (Insurance Policies Act, IPA)" code="221.229.1" codeSystemName="ins-laws" codeSystem="2.16.756."
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_InsuranceComplementary)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedPerson
0 … 1 (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:scopingOrganization
where [hl7:id [@root = '']]
0 … 1 Field 2.3.1 (Caisse Complémentaire) (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [@root = ''] root="" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:participant
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] typeCode="IND"
0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treetree hl7:associatedEntity
where [hl7:code [@codeSystem = '' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]] classCode="CON"
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="" codeSystemName="IHERoleCode" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_Employer)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedPerson
0 … 1 (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:scopingOrganization
1 … 1 Field 4.2 (Employeur actuel) (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:participant
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] typeCode="IND"
2 … * Section 6b (Réseau Professionnels)
Section 6a (Réseau Famille, entourage et Proches aidants)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treetree hl7:associatedEntity
where [@classCode] classCode="…"
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treeblank attribute
cs cdachsmcp-dataelement-122 Field 6.7 (Contact urgence)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
nullFlavor="…" code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.111" codeSystemName="HL7RoleCode" displayName="…"
CE 1 … 1 Required Field 6.8 (Vit avec la personne)
Field 6.3 (Lien avec la personne)
Field 6.11 (Rôle)
Field 6.6 (Rôle)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 … * Field 6.4 (Adresse du domicile) (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 … * Field 6.5 (Téléphone) (cdachsmcp_header_PatientContact)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedPerson
0 … 1 Conditional Field 6.9 (Nom)
Field 6.2 (Prénom)
Field 6.1 (Nom)
Field 6.10 (Prénom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:scopingOrganization
0 … 1 Conditional Field 6.13 (Téléphone)
Field 6.12 (Adresse)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:inFulfillmentOf
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
0 … 1 (cdach_header_OrderReference)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_OrderReference)
treeblank treetree hl7:order
1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_OrderReference)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_header_OrderReference)
treetree hl7:documentationOf
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']] typeCode="DOC"
0 … 1 (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treetree hl7:serviceEvent
where [@classCode = 'ACT'] [@moodCode = 'EVN'] classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN"
1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [not(@code)] [not(@codeSystem)] [not(@codeSystemName)] [not(@displayName)] [@nullFlavor = 'NAV'] nullFlavor="NAV" code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_HealthService)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:performer
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] typeCode="PRF"
0 … * (cdach_other_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdach_other_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treetree hl7:relatedDocument
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']] typeCode="RPLC"
0 … * (cdach_header_DocumentReplacement)
treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentReplacement)
treeblank treetree hl7:parentDocument
1 … 1 Required (cdach_header_DocumentReplacement)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)] [not(@extension)] root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentReplacement)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:setId
where [not(@nullFlavor)] [not(@extension)] extension="…" root="…"
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentReplacement)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:versionNumber
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
INT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_header_DocumentReplacement)
treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:structuredBody]
1 … 1 Required CDA-CH-SMCP-V2
treeblank treetree hl7:structuredBody
1 … 1 Required CDA-CH-SMCP-V2
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '51848-0' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="51848-0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 15.1 (Bilans, remarques et commentaires) (cdachsmcp_section_AssessmentsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.11383.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.11383.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.11383.'] root="2.16.840.1.11383."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '46264-8' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="46264-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicalDevicesPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '10187-3' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="10187-3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ReviewOfSystemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.756."
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 14.12 (Etat cognitif)
Field 14.3 (Elimination)
Field 14.7 (Douleur)
Field 14.2 (Alimentation, hydratation, état nutritionnel)
Field 14.11 (Violence envers soi-même ou autrui)
Field 14.6 (Addictions)
Field 14.9 (Fugue, déambulation, errance)
Field 14.8 (Humeur)
Field 14.5 (Mobilité)
Field 14.10 (Sommeil, fatigue)
Field 14.1 (Respiration)
Field 14.13 (Autres)
Field 14.4 (Etat de la peau, plaies, cicatrices)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
TEL 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
ANY 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ReviewOfSystemsObservation)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '47420-5' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="47420-5" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_FunctionalStatusAssessmentCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '38208-5' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="38208-5" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_PainScaleAssessmentSectionCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)] root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '38208-5' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="38208-5" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Pain severity"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_TextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_TextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20025-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/*/@code] valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20025" flexibility="dynamic"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 Conditional (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CO 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_PainScoreObservationEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
0 … * (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '46006-3' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="46006-3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_PhysicalFunctionSection)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
0 … * (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.756."
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
TEL 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/exception/@code] xsi:type="…" valueSet="2.16.756."
CD 1 … 1 Required Field 8.2 (Bain, douche)
Field 10.5 (Utilisation des moyens de transports)
Field 8.6 (Continence fécale)
Field 9.2 (Ménage courant)
Field 11.1 (Vision)
Field 10.1 (Transferts - lit-fauteuil-debout)
Field 8.1 (S'alimenter, boire)
Field 9.6 (Gestion des médicaments)
Field 9.3 (Préparation des repas)
Field 12.4 (Comprendre les autres)
Field 11.3 (Se faire comprendre)
Field 10.2 (Déplacement à l'intérieur sur le même étage)
Field 12.5 (Facultés cognitives pour les décisions courantes)
Field 10.3 (Marcher – Performance)
Field 8.5 (Continence urinaire)
Field 12.3 (Signes d'état confusionnel)
Field 13.2 (Echelle de performance cognitive version 2)
Field 9.4 (Faire les courses)
Field 9.1 (Usage du téléphone)
Field 12.2 (Orientation)
Field 9.5 (Faire la lessive, entretenir le linge)
Field 13.1 (AVQ échelle hiérarchique)
Field 10.6 (Monter/descendre les escaliers)
Field 8.3 (S'habiller)
Field 9.8 (Gérer ses liens sociaux)
Field 8.7 (Utilisation des toilettes)
Field 10.8 (Utilisation des moyens auxiliaires)
Field 8.4 (Hygiène personnelle)
Field 9.7 (Gestion de l’argent – Capacité)
Field 10.4 (Se déplacer à l’extérieur)
Field 11.2 (Audition)
Field 12.1 (Mémoire)
Field 10.7 (Utilisation de l’élévateur, cigogne)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='ST' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…"
ST 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_EvaluationObservation)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '29762-2' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="29762-2" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_SocialHistoryCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Field 3.3 (AI)
Field 3.8 (OVAM)
Field 5.5 (Protocole mesures de contrainte)
Field 3.7 (API)
Field 3.6 (RFM)
Field 5.2 (Curatelle)
Field 3.5 (PC)
Field 3.4 (LPP)
Field 1.21 (Plan de crise conjoint)
Field 5.3 (PLAFA)
Field 3.1 (RI)
Field 1.18 (Enfants mineurs à charge)
Field 4.4 (Chômage)
Field 3.2 (AVS)
Field 3.9 (Autres Assurances Sociales)
Field 1.20 (Mandat pour inaptitude)
Field 5.4 (Mesures ambulatoires)
Field 5.1 (Mandat judiciaire)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.756."
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 7.2 (Parcours de vie)
Field 7.3 (Habitat)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
TEL 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
TS 0 … 1 Conditional Field (Date d'entrée en vigueur PLAFA)
Field 7.1 (Date de la dernière évaluation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Conditional (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:repeatNumber
IVL_INT 0 … 0 Not present (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='BL' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…" value="…"
BL 0 … 1 Conditional Field 5.5.1 (Code Protocole mesures de contrainte)
Field 3.2.1 (Code AVS)
Field 3.6.1 (Code RFM)
Field 3.1.1 (Code RI)
Field 3.7.1 (Code API)
Field 1.20.1 (Code Mandat pour inaptitude)
Field 3.3.1 (Code AI)
Field (Code de décision PLAFA)
Field 3.8.1 (Code OVAM)
Field 3.9.1 (Code Autres Assurances Sociales)
Field 3.5.1 (Code PC)
Field 3.4.1 (Code LPP)
Field 5.2.1 (Code Curatelle)
Field 1.21.1 (Code Plan de crise conjoint)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] xsi:type="…" code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CD 0 … 1 Conditional Field 3.4.2 (Précision LPP)
Field 3.8.2 (Précision OVAM)
Field 4.4.1 (Code Chômage)
Field (Précision PLAFA)
Field 1.18.1 (Code Enfants mineurs à charge)
Field 5.4.1 (Code Mesures ambulatoires)
Field 5.2.2 (Précision Curatelle)
Field 3.9.2 (Précision Autres Assurances Sociales)
Field 3.6.2 (Précision RFM)
Field 3.5.2 (Précision PC)
Field 5.1.1 (Code Mandat judiciaire)
Field 1.13 (Permis de séjour / d'établissement)
Field 3.3.2 (Précision AI)
Field 1.20.2 (Précision Mandat pour inaptitude)
Field 3.7.2 (Précision API)
Field 1.21.2 (Précision Plan de crise conjoint)
Field 3.1.2 (Précision RI)
Field 5.5.2 (Précision Protocole mesures de contrainte)
Field 3.2.2 (Précision AVS)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='II' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…" root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … 1 Conditional Field 1.11 (Nationalité)
Field 1.12 (Origine)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='IVL_TS' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…"
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Conditional Field 4.4.2 (Chômage depuis le)
Field (Date de décision PLAFA)
Field (Date de la demande de PLAFA)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='PQ' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…" value="…" unit="…"
PQ 0 … 1 Conditional Field 4.3 (Taux d'occupation) (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='ST' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…"
ST 0 … 1 Conditional Field 5.1.2 (Précision Mandat judiciaire)
Field 3.3.3 (Type AI)
Field 1.18.2 (Précision Enfants mineurs à charge)
Field 3.9.3 (Nom/type Autres Assurances Sociales)
Field 1.20.3 (Mandat pour inaptitude déposées auprès de)
Field 4.1 (Profession)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:interpretationCode
CE 0 … 0 Not present (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:methodCode
CE 0 … 0 Not present (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:targetSiteCode
CE 0 … 0 Not present (cdachsmcp_entry_SocialHistoryObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:performer
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] typeCode="PRF"
0 … * Field (PLAFA demandé par)
Field 5.4.2 (Nom du médecin en charge de la MA)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '11450-4' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="11450-4" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ActiveProblemsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Required Field 7.4 (Problématiques) (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'active' or @code = 'suspended' or @code = 'aborted' or @code = 'completed' or @nullFlavor] code="completed"
CS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]] typeCode="SUBJ"
1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN" negationInd="…"
1 …  Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
displayName="…" codeSystemName="…" codeSystem="…" code="…" nullFlavor="…"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
ED 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
TEL 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [hl7:originalText]
CD 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]] typeCode="SUBJ"
0 … 1 Required (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Mandatory (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = 'SEV' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.5.4')] code="SEV" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4"
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [(@code = 'completed' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.5.14') or @nullFlavor] code="completed" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.14"
CS 1 … 1 Required (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(@code = 'L' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.5.1063') or (@code = 'H' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.5.1063') or (@code = 'M' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.5.1063') or @nullFlavor] code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1063"
CD 0 … * Required (IHESeverityEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="REFR"
0 … 1 Required (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '33999-4' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="33999-4" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [(@code = 'completed' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.5.14') or @nullFlavor] code="completed" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.14"
CS 1 … 1 Required (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="" flexibility="2016-09-26T13:58:58"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProblemStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="REFR"
0 … 1 Required (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '11323-3' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="11323-3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [(@code = 'completed' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.5.14') or @nullFlavor] code="completed" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.14"
CS 1 … 1 Required (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="" flexibility="2016-09-26T14:09:34"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEHealthStatusObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="SUBJ"
0 … 1 (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Required (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '48767-8' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="48767-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:author
where [hl7:assignedAuthor]
0 … * (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TS 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthor
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
1 … 1 Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … * Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
AD 1 … * Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TEL 1 … * Mandatory (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … *
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
0 … 1 Required (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … * Required (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
0 … 1 Required (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (IHECommentEntry)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '10154-3' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="10154-3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_section_ChiefComplaintPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 … 1 Mandatory Field 16.5 (Allergies connues) (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '48765-2' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="48765-2" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 16.5.2 (Précision Allergies connues) (cdachsmcp_section_AllergiesOtherAdverseReactionsPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '18776-5' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="18776-5" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_CarePlanCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Field 16.2.2 (Adhésion à la décision - l'entourage)
Field 16.2.1 (Adhésion à la décision - la personne)
Field 16.9 (DMT en annexe ou suit)
Field 16.2.3 (Adhésion à la décision - les professionnels)
Field 16.4 (Suivi ambulatoire)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.756."
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 16.3 (Soins à poursuivre et soins à prévoir)
Field 16.1 (Objectifs de soins et d'accompagnement de la personne)
Field 7.5 (Projet de la personne)
Field 16.7 (Consultations à prévoir)
Field 16.6 (Consultations planifiées)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
TEL 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] xsi:type="…" code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CD 0 … 2 Conditional Field 16.4.1 (Code Suivi ambulatoire)
Field 16.12 (Autres documents remis)
Field 16.11 (Evaluations spécifiques en annexe)
Field 16.9.1 (Code DMT en annexe)
Field 16.4.2 (Précision Suivi ambulatoire)
Field 16.9.2 (Code DMT suit)
Field 16.8 (Ordonnance en annexe)
Field 16.10 (Plan de traitement)
Field 19.1 (La personne a été informée et a donnée son accord)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='ST' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…"
ST 0 … 1 Conditional (cdachsmcp_entry_CarePlanObservation)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '46209-3' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="46209-3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Required Field 0.8 (Motif de ce DMST) (cdachsmcp_section_ProviderOrdersCoded)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '42348-3' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="42348-3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdvanceDirectivesCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … * (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Field 1.19 (Directives anticipées) (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
IVL_TS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [not(@nullFlavor)] [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='BL' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…" value="…"
BL 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 1.19.1 (Code Directives anticipées) (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.756.' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] xsi:type="…" code="…" codeSystem="2.16.756." codeSystemName="dmst-prec3" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CD 0 … 1 Conditional Field 1.19.2 (Précision Directives anticipées) (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='ST' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…"
ST 0 … 1 Conditional Field 1.19.3 (Directives anticipées déposées auprès de) (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] typeCode="REFR"
0 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:externalDocument
moodCode="EVN" classCode="DOC"
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
ED 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_AdvanceDirectiveObservation)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '30954-2' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="30954-2" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_ResultsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:procedure [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Mandatory (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:procedure
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="PROC" moodCode="…"
1 …  (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 0 … 1 Required (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 0 … 1 Required (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … * Mandatory (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CD 1 … 1 Required (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed' or @code = 'active' or @code = 'aborted' or @code = 'cancelled'] code="cancelled"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:priorityCode
CE 0 … 1 Required (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:approachSiteCode
CD 0 … * (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:targetSiteCode
CD 0 … * (IHEProcedureEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="COMP" inversionInd="true"
0 … * (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="…" moodCode="…"
1 …  (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CD 1 … 1 Required (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="RSON"
0 … * (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="…" moodCode="…"
1 …  (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CD 1 … 1 Required (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = 'XX-DietAndNutrition' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="XX-DietAndNutrition" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_DietandNutritionPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '46241-6' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="46241-6" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AdmissionDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]] typeCode="SUBJ"
1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN" negationInd="…"
1 …  Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
ED 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CD 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '11535-2' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="11535-2" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_DischargeDiagnosisCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemConcernEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]] typeCode="SUBJ"
1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN" negationInd="…"
1 …  Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
ED 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [@nullFlavor = 'NA'] nullFlavor="NA"
CD 1 … * Required (cdachsmcp_entry_ProblemEntryEmpty)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = 'XX-IntakeAndOutput' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="XX-IntakeAndOutput" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_IntakeandOutputPlainText)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '10160-0' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="10160-0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_MedicationsCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:substanceAdministration [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Mandatory Field 17.5.2 (Médicament) (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:substanceAdministration
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="SBADM" moodCode="…"
1 …  Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] [not(@nullFlavor)] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root=''] root=""
II 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root=''] root=""
II 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root=''] root=""
II 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root=''] root=""
II 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root=''] root=""
II 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CD 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
ED 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS 1 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS 1 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
where [@operator='A'] operator="A"
0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:routeCode
CE 0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:approachSiteCode
0 … * (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:doseQuantity
0 … 1 (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:rateQuantity
0 … 1 (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:consumable
where [hl7:manufacturedProduct [hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]
1 … 1 (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:manufacturedProduct
where [hl7:templateId [@root = ''] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']] classCode="MANU"
1 …  (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:manufacturedMaterial
0 … 1 (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
0 … 1 (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
where [hl7:reference]
0 … 1 (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
1 … 1 (IHEProductEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:supply [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="REFR"
0 … * Required (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:supply
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="SPLY" moodCode="…"
1 … * Required (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] [not(@nullFlavor)] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … * Mandatory (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:repeatNumber
0 …  Required (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:quantity
0 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:author
0 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
1 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthor
1 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
0 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … *
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
where [hl7:name]
0 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
1 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
where [hl7:name]
0 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
1 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:performer
0 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
1 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
1 … 1 Mandatory (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
0 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … *
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
where [hl7:name]
0 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
1 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
where [hl7:name]
0 … 1 (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
1 … * (IHESupplyEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="SUBJ"
0 … 1 Required (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="INT"
1 …  (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] [not(@nullFlavor)] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = 'FINSTRUCT' and @codeSystem = '')] code="FINSTRUCT" codeSystem=""
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)] [hl7:reference]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEMedicationFulFillmentInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [@typeCode='COMP'] typeCode="COMP"
0 … * (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:sequenceNumber
1 … 1 (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="SUBJ" inversionInd="true"
0 … * Required (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="INT"
1 …  (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] [not(@nullFlavor)] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = 'PINSTRUCT' and @codeSystem = '')] code="PINSTRUCT" codeSystem=""
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)] [hl7:reference]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
1 … 1 Required (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEPatientMedicationInstructions)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entryRelationship
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '']]] typeCode="RSON"
0 … * (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="…" moodCode="…"
1 …  (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CD 1 … 1 Required (IHEInternalReferenceEntry)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:precondition
0 … * (IHEMedicationsEntry)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_AbilityToWorkCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_AbilityToWorkCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AbilityToWorkCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_AbilityToWorkCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = 'X-ATWRK' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1') or @nullFlavor] code="X-ATWRK" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_AbilityToWorkCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AbilityToWorkCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_AbilityToWorkCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
0 … * (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Field 4.5 (Arrêt de travail) (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = 'X-IATWRK' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1') or @nullFlavor] code="X-IATWRK" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CD 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS Field 4.5.1 (Arrêt de travail depuis le) (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
unit="%" value="…"
PQ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_InabilityToWorkObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank attribute
int cdachsmcp-dataelement-100 Field 4.5.2 (Arrêt de travail Pourcentage)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:performer
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] typeCode="PRF"
0 … * Field 4.5.3 (Arrêt de travail Par qui) (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '11459-5' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="11459-5" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
SD.TEXT 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_TransportModeCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="…"
1 …  (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883." codeSystemName="DEEDS4.02" displayName="…"
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
ED 1 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
IVL_TS 1 … 1 Mandatory Field 17.2 (Moment du transport)
Field 17.2.2 (Heure du transfert)
Field 17.2.1 (Transport effectué le)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
IVXB_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
IVXB_TS 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportAct)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:performer
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] typeCode="PRF"
0 … * Field 17.3 (Transport effectué par) (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_Performer)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [@codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96' or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:originalText
ED 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:observation [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
1 … * Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:observation
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Field 18.3 (Objets en recherche)
Field 18.2 (Objets perdus)
Field 18.1 (Transféré avec)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] valueSet="2.16.756."
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
TEL 0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed'] code="completed"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
TS.CH.TZ 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 0 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS.CH.TZ (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS.CH.TZ (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)] xsi:type="…" code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CD 0 … 2 Conditional Field 18.1.1 (Code Transféré avec)
Field 17.4 (Enveloppe de transfert)
Field 18.1.2 (Précision Transféré avec autre)
Field 18.3.2 (Précision Objets en recherche)
Field 17.5.1 (Code Médicaments pris le jour du transfert)
Field 17.1 (Rédacteur du DMST présent le jour du transfert)
Field 18.3.1 (Code Objets en recherche)
Field 18.2.1 (Code Objets perdus)
Field 18.2.2 (Précision Objets perdus)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:value
where [(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='ST' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')] xsi:type="…"
ST 0 … 1 Conditional (cdachsmcp_entry_TransportObservation)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
where [hl7:section [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]]
0 … 1 (cdachsmcp_section_RemarksCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:section
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.']]
1 …  (cdachsmcp_section_RemarksCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_RemarksCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_RemarksCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '48767-8' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1') or @nullFlavor] code="48767-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdachsmcp_section_RemarksCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:title
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ST 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_RemarksCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdachsmcp_section_RemarksCoded)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:entry
where [hl7:act [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']]]
0 … * Field 6.14 (Commentaires) (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:act
where [hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.756.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId [@root = '']] classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN"
1 …  Required (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.756.'] root="2.16.756."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] root="2.16.840.1.113883."
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
where [@root = ''] root=""
II 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … 1 (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
where [(@code = '48767-8' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1')] code="48767-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Annotation comment"
CD 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
where [not(@nullFlavor)]
ED 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_TextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:reference
where [not(@nullFlavor)] value="…"
TEL 1 … 1 Mandatory (cdach_other_TextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:statusCode
where [@code = 'completed' or @code = doc('include/voc-2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20025-DYNAMIC.xml')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/*/@code] code="completed" valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20025" flexibility="dynamic"
CS 1 … 1 Mandatory (chpcc_entry_AnnotationComments)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:author
where [hl7:functionCode [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor]]
0 … * (cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:functionCode
where [concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-2.16.756.')//valueSet [1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor] nullFlavor="NAV" code="…" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="…" valueSet="2.16.756." flexibility="dynamic"
CE 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:translation
code="…" codeSystem="…" codeSystemName="…" displayName="…"
0 … * (cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
TS.CH.TZ 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthor
1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * (cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree choice
1 … 1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
0 … 1 (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 1 … * Required (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
where [not(tokenize(@qualifier, '\s'))] qualifier="…"
ENXP 0 … * (cdach_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation-eCH-0011)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthoringDevice
0 … 1 (cdach_other_DeviceCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:manufacturerModelName
SC 0 … 1 (cdach_other_DeviceCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:softwareName
SC 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_DeviceCompilationWithName)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
0 … 1 (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
root="…" extension="…"
II 0 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 … * Required (cdach_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 … * Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetName
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:houseNumber
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:additionalLocator
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postBox
ADXP 0 … 1 Conditional (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 … 1 (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 1 … 1 Required (cdach_other_AddressInformationCompilation-eCH-0010)