DECOR Information for Project: CDA-CH (hl7chcda-)


HTML Name Effective Date Version Label
Templates with direct association to a transaction
html active CDA-CH v2.0 - nonXMLBody 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
This document template MAY be referenced or specialized for specific, not further described use cases. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHOULDN'T use this template, as they better r...
Transaction Direction Underlying Model Schematron
CDA-CH - NonXMLBody arrowright initial ClinicalDocument hl7chcda-NonXMLBody.sch
html active CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody enhanced 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2018
This document template is used as the primary base for CDA-CH exchange formats. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHALL use this template by specialisation. It only specifies th...
Transaction Direction Underlying Model Schematron
CDA-CH - StructuredBody Enhanced arrowright initial ClinicalDocument hl7chcda-StructuredBodyEnhanced.sch
html draft CDA-CH v2.1 - structuredBody 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑17 15:22:41 2020
This document template is used as the primary base for CDA-CH exchange formats. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHALL use this template by specialisation. It only specifies th...
Transaction Direction Underlying Model Schematron
CDA-CH - StructuredBody arrowright initial ClinicalDocument hl7chcda-StructuredBody.sch
CDA Document Level Template
html active CDA ClinicalDocument (with nonXMLBody) 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.3
Template CDA ClinicalDocument (prototype, contains ClinicalDocument.component as nonXMLBody)
html active CDA ClinicalDocument (with StructuredBody) 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2
Template CDA ClinicalDocument (prototype, contains ClinicalDocument.component as StructuredBody)
html active CDA-CH v2.0 - nonXMLBody 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
This document template MAY be referenced or specialized for specific, not further described use cases. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHOULDN'T use this template, as they better r...
html active CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody enhanced 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2018
This document template is used as the primary base for CDA-CH exchange formats. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHALL use this template by specialisation. It only specifies th...
  ref CDA-CH v2.1 - structuredBody 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
This document template is used as the primary base for CDA-CH exchange formats. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHALL use this template by specialisation. It only specifies th...
html draft CDA-CH v2.1 - structuredBody 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑17 15:22:41 2020
html retired CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
CDA Header Level Template
  ref Authenticator 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Information about an authenticator of a CDA document. An authenticator MUST be a person. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference or specialisa...
html draft Authenticator 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 20:20:44 2020
html retired Authenticator 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active CDA AssignedEntity 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.153
Template CDA AssignedEntity (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA authenticator 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.107
Template CDA authenticator (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA author 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.102
Template CDA author (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Authorization 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.114
Template CDA Authorization (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA componentOf 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.113
Template CDA componentOf (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA custodian 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.104
Template CDA custodian (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA dataEnterer 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.103
Template CDA dataEnterer (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA documentationOf 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.110
Template CDA documentationOf (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA informationRecipient 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.105
Template CDA informationRecipient (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA inFulfillmentOf 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.109
Template CDA inFulfillmentOf (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA legalAuthenticator 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.106
Template CDA legalAuthenticator (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Organization 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.151
Template CDA Organization (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA participant 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.108
Template CDA participant (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Person 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.152
Template CDA Person (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA recordTarget 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.101
Template CDA recordTarget (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA relatedDocument 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.111
Template CDA relatedDocument (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
  ref Custodian 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
The organization in whose name this CDA document has been created (corresponds to the sender of a letter). All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either refer...
html draft Custodian 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑15 09:26:07 2020
html retired Custodian 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active Data Enterer 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Information about the person that entered information in this CDA document. It SHALL be declared, when data recorded in this document has been entered by a person other than the author but only when t...
  ref Document Code 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
A LOINC based document type of a CDA document instance including a translation to the Swiss EPR XDS.b metadata. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST specialise this template by ...
html draft Document Code 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 15:24:11 2020
html retired Document Code 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Document Confidentiality Code 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
A confidentiality level of a CDA document instance according to the Swiss EPR regulation. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template. Langu...
html draft Document Confidentiality Code 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:08:42 2019
html retired Document Confidentiality Code 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active Document Id 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
A unique identifier for each CDA document instance. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template.
  ref Document Language 2.16.756. Multiple (4)  
The language in which the narrative texts in this CDA document instance are written. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template.
html draft Document Language 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:28:13 2020
html cancelled Document Language 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:27:38 2019
html cancelled Document Language 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:25:02 2019
html retired Document Language 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active Document Realm 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Swiss Realm (CHE) of HL7 CDA. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template.
  ref Document Replacement - relatedDocument 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Relationship to another CDA-CH V2 based document that is replaced by the current one. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template.
html draft Document Replacement - relatedDocument 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 21:22:58 2020
html retired Document Replacement - relatedDocument 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active Document Set Id and Version Number 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Unity of document versions. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template.
html active Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - nonXMLBody 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
CDA-CH V2 bases on HL7 CDA R2 (2005) and - by using this template - require a non XML body for specific, not further described use cases. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHOULDN'T u...
  ref Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
CDA-CH V2 bases on HL7 CDA R2 (2005) and - by using this template - require a structured body. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats SHALL reference this template. These SHALL define...
html draft Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑17 15:21:50 2020
html retired Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Employer - participant 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Information on the patient's employer, school or other affiliated (e.g., volunteer) organization. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specia...
html draft Employer - participant 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 21:13:32 2020
html retired Employer - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Health Service - documentationOf 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Information about a health service describing the context of this CDA document. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference or specialisation.
html draft Health Service - documentationOf 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 20:53:33 2019
html retired Health Service - documentationOf 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active Insurance - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Information on a patient's insurance. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
html active Insurance Card - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Information on a patient's insurance card. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
html active Legal Authenticator 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Information about the legal authenticator of a CDA document. A legal authenticator MUST be a person. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference o...
html active Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reference to one or more orders which led to the creation of this CDA document. It SHALL be declared, when the order reference is relevant for some reason. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchan...
  ref Patient - recordTarget 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
A human patient for whom this CDA document instance was created. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference or specialisation.
html draft Patient - recordTarget 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:53:02 2020
html retired Patient - recordTarget 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Patient Contact - participant 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Information on a patient contact. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
html draft Patient Contact - participant 2.16.756. 2019‑11‑19 11:59:25 2020
html retired Patient Contact - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active Recipient - informationRecipient 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
A recipient of this CDA document (corresponds to the addressee of a letter - person or organization). All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference ...
CDA Section Level Template
html pending Ability To Work Section - plain text 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
This section contains ability to work findings.
html active CDA Informant 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.154
Template CDA Informant (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Section 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.201
Template CDA Section (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html pending Original Representation Section - coded 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
This section MAY be used to provide the original representation of the current CDA document as it has been seen by the legal authenticator while signing. ...
html pending Remarks Section - coded 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
This section MAY be used to provide comments, remarks or other information that cannot be declared in any of the other existing sections in the document.
html pending Vital Signs Section - coded 2.16.756.
2016‑11‑11 2016
This section contains a list of measured / observed vital signs.
CDA Entry Level Template
html pending Annotation Comments 2.16.756.
2016‑11‑11 2016
This entry allows for a comment to be supplied with each entry.
html active CDA Act 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.301
Template CDA Act (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Author (Body) 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.318
Template CDA Author (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Clinical Statement 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.300
Template CDA Clinical Statement (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Device 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.315
Template CDA Device (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Encounter 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.302
Template CDA Encounter (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA ExternalAct 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.325
Template CDA ExternalAct (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA ExternalDocument 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.328
Template CDA ExternalDocument (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA ExternalObservation 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.326
Template CDA ExternalObservation (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA ExternalProcedure 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.327
Template CDA ExternalProcedure (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Informant (Body) 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.319
Template CDA Informant Body (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA LabeledDrug 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.310
Template CDA LabeledDrug (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA ManufacturedProduct 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.312
Template CDA ManufacturedProduct (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Material 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.311
Template CDA Material (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Observation 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.303
Template CDA Observation (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA ObservationMedia 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.304
Template CDA ObservationMedia (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Organizer 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.305
Template CDA Organizer (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Participant (Body) 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.321
Template CDA Participant (Body) (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Performer (Body) 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.323
Template CDA Performer (Body) (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Place 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.317
Template CDA Place (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA PlayingEntity 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.313
Template CDA PlayingEntity (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Precondition 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.329
Template CDA Precondition (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Procedure 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.306
Template CDA Procedure (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Reference 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.324
Template CDA Reference (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA RegionOfInterest 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.307
Template CDA RegionOfInterest (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA RelatedEntity 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.316
Template CDA RelatedEntity (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Specimen 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.322
Template CDA Specimen (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Subject (Body) 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.320
Template CDA Subject Body (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA SubstanceAdministration 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.308
Template CDA SubstanceAdministration (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html active CDA Supply 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.309
Template CDA Supply (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html pending External document 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
External documents can be included in a CDA document, either by means of references or by means of XML embedding. This template defines a reference to an external document, only. Embedded documents...
html draft Inability To Work Observation 2.16.756. 2017‑09‑14 17:25:19 2017
Structured information about inability to work.
html pending Observation Media 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Multimedia objects (e.g., PDF representations of the CDA document, pictures, Reiber diagrams, electrophoresis, etc.) MAY be integrated into a CDA document, either by reference to external multi...
html pending Vital Signs Observation 2.16.756.
2016‑11‑11 2016
Structured notation of a measured value resp. an observation of a single vital sign (such as body height, weight, blood pressure).
html pending Vital Signs Organizer Entry 2.16.756.
2016‑11‑11 2016
Coded vital sign organizer according to [IHE PCC TF-2],
Template type not specified
html active Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Address information according to the eCH-0010 V7.0 addressInformation data type. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation. See h...
  ref Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN and name 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever an assigned entity with a required GLN is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or speci...
html draft Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN and name 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:53:35 2020
html retired Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN and name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever an assigned entity with required GLN, name, addr, telecom, person and organization (also with GLN) are used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchan...
html draft Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:50:31 2020
html retired Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Assigned Entity Compilation with id 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever an assigned entity with a required id is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specia...
html draft Assigned Entity Compilation with id 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:41:55 2020
html retired Assigned Entity Compilation with id 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever an assigned entity with required id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization are used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY us...
html draft Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:38:14 2020
html retired Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Assigned Entity Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever an assigned entity with required name, addr and telecom is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either r...
html draft Assigned Entity Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:20:55 2020
html retired Assigned Entity Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Author 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Information about the author of a CDA document, section or entry. An author MAY be a person or a device. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template at least in the C...
html draft Author 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 13:48:28 2020
html retired Author 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Author Compilation with name 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever an author with required name is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
html draft Author Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 15:57:29 2020
html retired Author Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
  ref Author Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever an author with required name, addr and telecom is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference ...
html draft Author Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:13:06 2020
html retired Author Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active CDA-CH v2.0 Header Template Compilation 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
CDA-CH V2 bases on HL7 CDA R2 (2005) and requires either a nonXMLBody or a StructuredBody. This circumstance is modeled in two separate templates but both MUST contain the same header templates. Ther...
html active Device Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever a device with required name is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation....
html active Narrative Text Reference 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever a text reference to the corresponding text in the human readable part (narrative text) is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MA...
html active Organization Compilation with GLN and name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever an organization with required GLN as id and name is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either referenc...
html active Organization Compilation with GLN, name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever an organization with required GLN as id, name, address and communication means is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use th...
html active Organization Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever an organization with required id, name, address and communication means is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this temp...
html active Organization Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever an organization with required name is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialis...
html active Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever an organization with required name, address and communication means is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template...
html active Original Text Reference 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever a original text reference to the corresponding text in the human readable part (narrative text) is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange f...
  ref Performer 2.16.756. Multiple (2)  
Reusable template wherever a healthcare provider who was the primary performer of an act is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by ei...
html draft Performer 2.16.756. 2018‑12‑24 19:51:04 2020
html retired Performer 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
html active Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Person name information (with required family and given name) according to the eCH-0011 V8.1 nameData data type. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either ref...
html active PlayingEntity Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever a playing entity with a required name is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specia...

Template Summary

Templates 127

Templates per Scenario

Templates for scenario CDA-CH V2 hl7chcda-scenario-1 as of 2017‑11‑10 09:35:28

Transaction Representing template Link as of
CDA-CH - StructuredBody hl7chcda-template-1.9 CDA-CH v2.1 - structuredBody 2019‑10‑17 15:22:41
CDA-CH - NonXMLBody hl7chcda-template-1.12 CDA-CH v2.0 - nonXMLBody 2018‑04‑18
CDA-CH - StructuredBody Enhanced hl7chcda-template-1.14 CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody enhanced 2018‑04‑18

Item Labels per Template

Label Template id Template name Link as of
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.1 Patient - recordTarget 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:53:02
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.1 Patient - recordTarget 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.13 Document Replacement - relatedDocument 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 21:22:58
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.13 Document Replacement - relatedDocument 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.14 Insurance Card - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.15 Insurance - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.16 Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.18 Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑17 15:21:50
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.18 Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.19 Document Confidentiality Code 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:08:42
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.19 Document Confidentiality Code 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.20 Document Set Id and Version Number 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.22 Document Language 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:28:13
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.22 Document Language 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:27:38
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.22 Document Language 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 14:25:02
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.22 Document Language 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.23 Document Id 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.25 Document Realm 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.3 Custodian 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑15 09:26:07
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.3 Custodian 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.4 Recipient - informationRecipient 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.40 Employer - participant 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 21:13:32
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.40 Employer - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.43 Patient Contact - participant 2.16.756. 2019‑11‑19 11:59:25
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.43 Patient Contact - participant 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.44 Document Code 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 15:24:11
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.44 Document Code 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.46 Health Service - documentationOf 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 20:53:33
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.46 Health Service - documentationOf 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.47 Document Template Ids CDA-CH v2.0 - nonXMLBody 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.5 Legal Authenticator 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.6 Authenticator 2.16.756. 2019‑01‑01 20:20:44
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.6 Authenticator 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-2.7 Data Enterer 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-3.1 Ability To Work Section - plain text 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-3.2 Remarks Section - coded 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-3.45 Original Representation Section - coded 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-4.29 External document 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-4.70 Inability To Work Observation 2.16.756. 2017‑09‑14 17:25:19
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-4.83 Observation Media 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.12 Assigned Entity Compilation with id 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:41:55
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.12 Assigned Entity Compilation with id 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.14 Narrative Text Reference 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.16 Author Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:13:06
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.16 Author Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.17 Assigned Entity Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:20:55
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.17 Assigned Entity Compilation with name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.20 PlayingEntity Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.21 Device Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.23 Author 2.16.756. 2019‑09‑12 13:48:28
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.23 Author 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.24 Organization Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.26 Organization Compilation with GLN, name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.27 Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.30 Organization Compilation with GLN and name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.32 Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:38:14
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.32 Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.33 Organization Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.36 CDA-CH v2.0 Header Template Compilation 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.48 Author Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 15:57:29
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.48 Author Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.49 Original Text Reference 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.50 Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:50:31
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.50 Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN, name, addr, telecom, person and organization 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.51 Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN and name 2.16.756. 2019‑10‑24 16:53:35
CDA‑CH V2 link11 hl7chcda-template-9.51 Assigned Entity Compilation with GLN and name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11, link11 hl7chcda-template-3.4 Vital Signs Section - coded 2.16.756. 2016‑11‑11
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11, link11 hl7chcda-template-4.20 Vital Signs Organizer Entry 2.16.756. 2016‑11‑11
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11, link11 hl7chcda-template-4.21 Vital Signs Observation 2.16.756. 2016‑11‑11
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11, link11 hl7chcda-template-4.2 Annotation Comments 2.16.756. 2016‑11‑11
eCH‑0010 V7.0 addressInformation link11 hl7chcda-template-9.35 Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData link11 hl7chcda-template-9.34 Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18

Data sets, codes, OIDs and Rules: this information is used for rendering and validation purposes.