DECOR Information for Project: CDA-CH-LRTP - Lab Results Transplantation (cdachlrtp-)


HTML Name Effective Date Version Label
Templates with direct association to a transaction
html draft Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑14
(de-CH) Laborbefund im Transplantationsprozesss
Transaction Direction Schematron
Laboratory Report within a transplantation process rotate stationary cdachlrtp-cdachlrtp016.sch
CDA Document Level Template
html retired Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑02
CDA Header Level Template
html ref Authenticator 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Information about an authenticator of a CDA document. An authenticator MUST be a person. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference or specialisa...
html draft CDA recordTarget (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑02
(de-CH) Erforderliche Patientenstammdaten sind Name, Vorname, Geburtsdatum, Geschlecht Die Spender- resp. Empfänger-ID (der sogenannte SOAS-Code) MUSS beim Patienten folgendermassen angegeben werden: root=2.1...
html ref Custodian 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
The organization in whose name this CDA document has been created (corresponds to the sender of a letter). All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either refer...
html ref Data Enterer 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Information about the person that entered information in this CDA document. It SHALL be declared, when data recorded in this document has been entered by a person other than the author but only when t...
html ref Document Set Id and Version Number 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Unity of document versions. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST reference this template.
html ref Legal Authenticator 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Information about the legal authenticator of a CDA document. A legal authenticator MUST be a person. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference o...
html ref Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Reference to one or more orders which led to the creation of this CDA document. It SHALL be declared, when the order reference is relevant for some reason. All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchan...
html ref Ordering Provider
2008‑08‑08 2017
ClinicalDocument/participant(s) MAY be present. When present, this element SHALL be in accordance with the HL7 CDA R2 standard with a time element and further constrained by this specification to requ...
html ref Recipient - informationRecipient 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
A recipient of this CDA document (corresponds to the addressee of a letter - person or organization). All CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MUST use this template by either reference ...
CDA Section Level Template
html draft Blutgruppe Section 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑02
(de-CH) Dieses Element enthält die Daten zur Blutgruppe.
html draft Coded Vital Signs Section (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑14 2017
see languages de-CH, fr-CH or it-CH for description
html draft Laborbefund Section (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑02
Laboratory Specialty Section
html ref Vital Signs Section - coded 2.16.756.
2016‑11‑11 2016
This section contains a list of measured / observed vital signs.
CDA Entry Level Template
html draft Befundgruppe (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑20
Laboratory Report Data Processing Entry
html draft Blutgruppe 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑02
(de-CH) Blutgruppe in strukturierter Form
html ref CDA PlayingEntity 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.313
Template CDA PlayingEntity (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF)
html ref IHE Comment Entry
2013‑12‑20 2014
This entry allows for a comment to be supplied with each entry. For CDA this structure is usually included in the target act using the <entryRelationship> element defined in the CDA Schema, but can al...
html ref Annotation Comment
2008‑08‑08 2017
html draft Laborresultat (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑20
Laboratory Observation
html draft Probenentnahme 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑01
(de-CH) Eine Probenuntersuchung KANN Angaben zur Probe enthalten. Laborbefunde in der Schweiz im Transplantationsbereich MÜSSEN eine Angabe zum Entnahmedatum enthalten.
html draft Resultatgruppe (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑20
Laboratory Battery Organizer
html draft SOAS Info 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑20
(de-CH) Diese Beobachtung dient dazu, SOAS-spezifische Informationen zu einem HLA-Wert zu deklarieren. Für jeden HLA-Antikörper MUSS sowohl Center specific Avoid als auch Previous TX angegeben werden. Prev-Tx...
html ref Specimen Received
2008‑08‑08 2017
Specimen Received, when present, SHALL be recorded under the Specimen Act in an entryRelationship under the Laboratory Data Processing Entry. The table below shows how the information for this element...
html ref Vital Signs Observation 2.16.756.
2016‑11‑11 2016
Structured notation of a measured value resp. an observation of a single vital sign (such as body height, weight, blood pressure).
html draft Vital Signs Observation (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑14 2017
Structured notation of a measured value resp. an observation of a single vital sign (such as body height, weight, blood pressure).
html ref Vital Signs Organizer Entry 2.16.756.
2016‑11‑11 2016
Coded vital sign organizer according to [IHE PCC TF-2],
html draft Vital Signs Organizer Entry (lrtp) 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑14 2017
see languages de-CH, fr-CH or it-CH for description
Template type not specified
html ref Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Address information according to the eCH-0010 V7.0 addressInformation data type. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation. See h...
html ref Assigned Entity Compilation with id 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever an assigned entity with a required id is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specia...
html ref Author with Name, Addr, Telecom
2016‑07‑05 2017
General template for multiple use (see ART-DECOR 'Used by Template id' for current usings)
html draft Check Properties 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑01
CDA-CH LRTP Code System Additional Properties for Lab Results Check
html ref Laboratory Device
2016‑07‑05 2017
This module declares a laboratory device (analyzer). It is consistent with the CDA standard regarding participant and requires in addition the name, addr and telecom for all...
html ref Narrative Text Reference 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever a text reference to the corresponding text in the human readable part (narrative text) is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MA...
html ref Organization Compilation with name 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever an organization with required name is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialis...
html ref Organization with Name, Addr, Telecom
2016‑07‑05 2017
General template for multiple use (see ART-DECOR 'Used by Template id' for current usings)
html ref Original Text Reference 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Reusable template wherever a original text reference to the corresponding text in the human readable part (narrative text) is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange f...
html ref Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 2.16.756.
2018‑04‑18 2017
Person name information (with required family and given name) according to the eCH-0011 V8.1 nameData data type. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either ref...
html ref PlayingEntity or person with Name
2016‑07‑05 2017
General template for multiple use (see ART-DECOR 'Used by Template id' for current usings)

Template Summary

Templates 40

Templates per Scenario

Templates for scenario Laboratory Report within a transplantation process cdachlrtp-3 as of 2016‑05‑01

Transaction Representing template Link as of
Laboratory Report within a transplantation process 2.16.756. Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss 2017‑08‑14

Item Labels per Template

Label Template id Template name Link as of
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Order Reference - inFulfillmentOf 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Document Set Id and Version Number 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Custodian 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Recipient - informationRecipient 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Legal Authenticator 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Authenticator 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Data Enterer 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Assigned Entity Compilation with id 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Narrative Text Reference 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Organization Compilation with name 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH V2 link11 2.16.756. Original Text Reference 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
CDA‑CH‑LRTP‑CODE link11 2.16.756. Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑14
CDA‑CH‑LRTP‑CODE link11 2.16.756. Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑02
CDA‑CH‑LRTP‑REPL link11 2.16.756. Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss 2.16.756. 2017‑08‑14
CDA‑CH‑LRTP‑REPL link11 2.16.756. Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss 2.16.756. 2016‑07‑02
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11, link11 2.16.756. Vital Signs Section - coded 2.16.756. 2016‑11‑11
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11, link11 2.16.756. Vital Signs Organizer Entry 2.16.756. 2016‑11‑11
IHE PCC TF2 Rev.11, link11 2.16.756. Vital Signs Observation 2.16.756. 2016‑11‑11
eCH‑0010 V7.0 addressInformation link11 2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18
eCH‑0011 V8.1 nameData link11 2.16.756. Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 2.16.756. 2018‑04‑18

Data sets, codes, OIDs and Rules: this information is used for rendering and validation purposes.